Grit- an ingredient for your child’s success

Parenting is the world’s most difficult occupation! Indisputably! I know this sounds like a platitude designed to make parents feel good about themselves or a flippant attempt to encourage less-than-stellar parents- and oftentimes, it is mere placation- but truly, parenting is a daunting task. The responsibilities are immense with incredibly high stakes, it’s physically and emotionally exhausting with no real breaks and it is financially draining for years! Imagine having the responsibility of raising and training humans to become well rounded, well adjusted, contributing members of society, when YOU yourself are still navigating the labyrinth of life with all its many minefields. To make it even more difficult, there is no manual, one rarely has experience before entering plus it is the most judged endeavour!

The quality of parenting has been proven to have a monumental impact on the quality of human societies, sparking much-needed conversations about parenting on conventional and unconventional platforms, including brand platforms. The advent of brand personification has given brands the impetus to engage with audiences beyond making sales, to a more socio-cultural interaction where they reach out to their consumers in issues that resonate with them.

One of Nestle Nigeria’s leading brand portfolios- MILO – has taken it upon itself to champion the conversation around raising quality humans for the Nigerian society. In its latest campaign dubbed GRIT, the brand seeks to reorient parents’ understanding about the qualities required to instil in their children in order to achieve life’s successes. Chiefly to provoke parents to realize that sport is an essential complement to academia and can no longer be ignored if they want their children to be successful in the real world.

MILO Nigeria: What is GRIT?
Premised on the tense insight that, “the grit you develop through sport helps you succeed in life”, the GRIT campaign will support Nigerian parents with the requisite tools and information to drive their quest to develop determination, tenacity, endurance and perseverance in their children through sport. One of the ways to engage parents on this journey of discovery is through leveraging social influencers to drive the narrative. Some of these include: Dr Kelechi Anyikude, Nicole Chikwe, Chinyere Abang, Godwin Enakhena, Tobi Samuel Adepoju, Oluwa Toyin, Omilola Oshikoya, Asisat Oshoala, to mention a few.

The MILO brand has a heritage of building champions with the inspiration to grow through sports, and is an advocate of sports in general, espousing its importance in child physical activity and development. In so doing, Milo has positioned itself as parental support- a coach for the coach so to speak. In this campaign, however, MILO is taking it a notch higher by positioning sport as the determining factor of acquiring GRIT! Not just a nice to have, NO.
But an absolute integral aspect of the child development journey, at par with academia.

The GRIT campaign will run between January to March 2022 and is ultimately expected to assist parents apply this new and transformational perspective to their parenting goals.

MILO Activ-Go is Nigeria’s leading malt, cocoa and milk breakfast beverage made with the natural goodness of malt, milk, and cocoa to provide nourishing energy from 6 vitamins and 3 minerals.



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