Hilton Hotel Manager Arrested for Allegedly Sucking Guest’s Toes in Tennessee

A male guest staying at a Hilton Hotel in Tennessee had an unpleasant experience when he discovered the evening manager sucking on his toes. The incident occurred on March 30 and the perpetrator, David Patrick Neal, has been arrested.

Neal was charged with burglary and assault, and a $27,000 bond was set. The victim, who was on a business trip, reported the incident to the Nashville Metropolitan Police Department and filed a sexual assault lawsuit. He was asleep when he awoke at 5:30 a.m. to find Neal touching his feet.

WKRN-TV, a Nashville ABC affiliate, reported that the police obtained statements from both the victim and Neal. Neal confessed to entering the guest’s room without permission using a copy of the room key.

He claimed that he entered the room because he smelled smoke and wanted to ensure everything was safe. However, according to the arrest report, Neal did not inform anyone on staff about the smoke nor did any other guests report any such smell. Neal also stated that he disposed of the key, which was never found.

“All my life you just have that sense of security, and that sense of peace, right? It’s not like you’re camping and you have to kind of keep one eye open,” the victim told WKRN. “You have that security that’s yours, and when you close your eyes, you feel like you’re safe and you’re protected and it was a complete violation.”

He continued: “I was just so, so shocked. It was, ‘Who are you? Why are you in my room?’ It was almost like a dream, a sort of nightmare. It just didn’t make sense. Why is this person touching me?”

The victim’s lawyer, Michael Fisher, mentioned in the lawsuit that Neal had a long history of criminal activities, including serving a prison sentence of five years for manslaughter, among other things. “Multiple charges of forgery, drinking and driving, a manslaughter conviction as well, which served prison time,” said Fisher in a statement. “When Hilton hired this person, they had to have known.

They have to do background checks to know, and the fact that they would put somebody like that in a position where they have the ability to clone keys, have the ability to get into a guest’s room, it’s just shocking.”

