How to communicate love to your child

Every child needs to be shown they are valued and loved; it is essential to bonding. Your child wants a constant reminder that people love them, this they will see and perceive in the way a parent talks, act, gestures and treat his child.

We live in a world today full of anger, violence, and negative emotions, the least we can do as parents is to speak love into our children to douse the tension and groom more love-giving kids for the future.

While it is important for parents to understand ways to communicate love to their children, it is also necessary to know which method is more effective for your child. Hence, no two children will be measured by the same methods if you want to achieve results.

The following methods are effective in ensuring you communicate love to your child: Organise a date with your child. This can be done in form sharing an activity he loves. It could be going out to see a movie, talking a walk in a park or grabbing a snack. This should be a one-on-one activity, which will not only create a bond, but also show to your child how much you love him.

Always compliment you child. When your child does well in school, take time to praise his effort. Tell his just how proud you are being his parent. Let your child know that you take notice of their little things they do, like making their beds and tidying up their rooms.

Attach a love note in lunch bag. With a nice colourful sticky paper and a pen, write a special message that they can see and read anytime they open their lunch bag. This will not only boost their confidence in themselves but also remind them how much you care.

Increase your power of touch. Hold their hand at the slightest opportunity. Give hugs, kisses, back pats, and show physical affection. Help them brush their hair; put on their shoes, all these should be done deliberately in love. Let them see and know that affection comes naturally whether in good or hard times.

Pray out loud with your child. Be grateful and thank God for your amazing child in front of them, let them hear you show thanksgiving to God and learn how important it is to be thankful. Let them hear you speak to heaven about them, which shows how much you love, and care.

Read books that together. Find books that depict what love is about, how people should show love and gratitude and read them along with your child. Let your child see that is how much you love them.

Make dinnertime special. What’s your child’s special meal? Take time to prepare them even with your child present. This brings the excitement and affirms the love you have for him. Let him know you chose to make the meal because you know he will love it.

Get your child to teach you something. You will definitely learn something new when you sit to play a video game or watch your child’s favourite cartoon with him. Let your child show you something new.


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