How to excel in mentorship, by Gertz

Online coach and landscaping guru Tigran Gertz learned the value of hard work from a young age. As he struggled through his high school classes, he mowed lawns for extra cash. One day he was torn as to whether he had what it takes to get into college or what other options he could pursue, when a golden opportunity presented itself to him. “After 12-hour day dethatching lawns in 2007. After paying my friends $10 an hour cash, counted up the money and realized that day I profited $1000 in 1 day. Completely blown away and was shocked. That was the day I realized I won’t be going to college after I graduate high school. That was the day I began to have massive confidence in myself…”

This was a turning point to Gertz and from that day one he decided to give his all into his landscaping business. If he didn’t, he’d be giving into one of his greatest fears. “Obscurity. If people don’t know me, they will never do business with me. I need the entire planet to know my name. Attention is the new currency.” But fear wasn’t the only motivator for Gertz. He was also striving to reach his version of success “Success means winning. If you’re not first you’re last. No one remembers that person that almost won. Be #1. Worst thing that will happen is you fail. However, you can never fail if you don’t give up”

Not only is Gertz going to keep going until he’s the “Mr. Beast of the construction industry.” but is also striving to help others along the way “Stop thinking about starting your business. I get Instagram Dm’s all the time. ‘Hey T I’m thinking about starting a landscaping business. Do you have any advice for me?’ My answer is always the same. STOP THINKING.”


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