How to have fun with Bitcoin

Bitcoin has found a ton of uses throughout the years. From being a top-notch investment option to a currency that people can use to keep their privacy intact, the versatility of Bitcoin is certainly not something to underestimate. In the decade it’s been out, Bitcoin has grown substantially from what it once was. While for many it’s still mainly a “get rich overnight” tool, our favorite use of Bitcoin is for entertainment. Not too many people are aware that Bitcoin can be a great instigator of a good time, so if you’ve got a few Bitcoin stashed and want to have some fun, here are the best ways you can use them.

Try Some Gambling
Gambling is one of the oldest tricks in the book to have an exciting time. Whether it’s some time on the slots or a simple bet on the race track, there’s something about the risk that comes with it that never fails to make things entertaining. There’s no doubt in our minds that the classic casinos and sportsbooks are a great start, but since we’re bringing Bitcoin into the mix, we’re going to be focusing on the online alternatives. Of course, we’re talking about online casinos and sports betting websites.

If you’re not familiar with these, then you need to get acquainted with them ASAP. Just like their brick and mortar counterparts, these places host a ton of great games that you can play whenever you please. From classics like Blackjack, Poker, Roulette to a variety of international sports markets to bet on, there’s a lot to do when visiting them. The best part about them though is that most online casinos and betting sites accept Bitcoin as a deposit option! Simply add an amount you feel comfortable with and go play to your heart’s content.

Back to Trading
Bitcoin trading has become quite a trend these days. With Bitcoin becoming more and more popular by the day, it isn’t surprising to see new people join the Bitcoin revolution and try their hand at Bitcoin trading. Of course, it’s easy to see why so many newbies are interested in this activity. Thanks to helpful tools like the bitcoin equaliser software, both veterans and newcomers have a chance to make some great sums with these trading platforms behind them. From a fully automated trading process to great predictions and trading info, Bitcoin trading is a breeze.

While we do realize that Bitcoin trading isn’t what everyone would consider a fun activity, it’s surprising how much fun you can have with it. With all of the information on Bitcoin currently available online, creating strategies, making predictions, and planning out your next investment moves can be quite the challenge. Like gambling, Bitcoin trading also comes with some risk. The risk combined with all of the factors we can somewhat control during the trading process is what gives this activity a spicy kick that makes it an interesting way to pass the time.

Have a Shopping Spree
If there’s one thing better than making a nice amount of Bitcoin, it’s spending it! Shopping is always a fun activity to partake in, so if you’ve made enough Bitcoin to be able to afford some nice things, then it’s time to give yourself a treat. Shopping with Bitcoin might have been a somewhat limited experience back in the day, but things have changed a lot since then. Unlike in the past where Bitcoin enthusiasts could shop in only a few select places, nowadays there are tens of thousands of online shops that accept Bitcoin as payment.

To start things off, you can head on over to one of the biggest online retailers of our time, Etsy. The sopping platform hosts a ton of great shops that all have something unique to offer. From incredible finds that will transform your home into modern art to some of the weirdest items you’ll see on the internet, Etsy has everything you can imagine and more! Sure, Bitcoin still has some catching up to do when it comes to places to shop, but it’s certainly come a long way to be an enjoyable option you can turn to when you’re in the mood for something new.

Plan a Trip
Here’s one you might not have expected to see on this list. Travel never fails to be fun. Whether you ride solo or go with a group of friends for an exciting vacation, visiting a new location always comes with an upside! Through platforms like Expedia, you can grab a ticket, book a nice hotel, plan the perfect trip, and pay for all of it with Bitcoin! These websites not only work with the best airlines and accommodations but make the process of planning a trip as easy as possible.



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