How To Make Ice Cream Cake

Love some dessert? Try making some ice cream cake. 

Here’s all you need to make this sweet goodness:


  • Baked chocolate cake
  • Vanilla 
  • Powdered sugar 
  • Whipping cream 
  • Ice Cream 
  • Oreos


  • Line your cake pan with plastic wrap and place the cake onto it. Make sure to leave some extra at the sides for easy lifting. 
  • Next, cover the cake layer with some ice cream using a spatula to spread until all areas are covered. Press out air pockets from the ice cream before adding on to the cake. 
  • Sprinkle some crushed cookies, chocolate chips or brownies. 
  • Spread some more ice cream onto these crushed bits, smoothing out this second layer. 
  • Freeze this. 
  • Combine whipped cream, sugar, and vanilla in a whisking bowl. Which properly until the peak firms up. 
  • Remove the cake from the freezer and cover it with the whipped cream mix. 
  • To add some design to the cake, transfer the rest of the whipped cream mixture to a piping bag fitted with a large closed star (846) tip.
  • Drip some chocolate on the edge of the cake before going on to pipe a scalloped pattern using the whipped cream mix. 
  • Freeze.
  • To serve, remove from the freezer at least 10 minutes before serving. Run your knife under hot water to make cutting the cake a lot easier.


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