‘I am committed to helping other people create freedom, impact, fulfilment’


Stella Ndekile is the founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Nuban Beauty as well as the founder of St. Nika Apparel, a growing apparel brand for women. She has a decade of experience running businesses and innovating products for the African market. She is also a public speaker and a member of various women-focused communities for entrepreneurs. In this interview with TOBI AWODIPE, she talks about leaving a paid job to building a beauty brand and fulfilling a life-long dream of becoming an author.

How and when did you chose to be an entrepreneur rather than to be in paid employment?
I started my journey in entrepreneurship to augment my paid employment salary. Along the line, the entrepreneurial side took over everything because the reward was fulfilling. I could see my ideas turn into reality (products), and people hungered for them because they solved their problems and that was how things took off.

You say entrepreneurship has been challenging yet fulfilling. Do you still feel this way today?
Yes, it is still very challenging and also very fulfilling. For me, entrepreneurship has been one of my life’s most challenging but rewarding experiences. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work to turn an idea into a successful business. Some days it feels like every obstacle possible has been thrown my way, and it can be easy to feel discouraged. However, pushing through these challenges and seeing my vision come to life has been the most fulfilling experience. Starting and growing a business has not only allowed me create something that I am passionate about, but it has also given me the opportunity to make a positive impact on other people’s lives while pursuing my own dreams. Despite the ups and downs, I wouldn’t trade the journey for anything, and I look forward to continuing to learn and grow as an entrepreneur.

You have been a significant player in the highly competitive beauty industry for almost a decade. How have you been able to navigate the waters successfully?
As an entrepreneur in an industry as competitive as that of beauty, I’ve learned that standing out takes strategic planning, focus and perseverance in the face of adversity. I have made a point of creating a unique value proposition that differentiates my business from others in the same market. Understanding my customers’ needs and preferences is vital, and I make a constant effort to better serve them proactively. Innovation has also been crucial in navigating a competitive landscape. I am constantly exploring ways to evolve my offerings and remain competitive in the market. Staying informed on industry trends and changes is particularly important, and I am always open to experimenting with new ideas and strategies.  Marketing has been another cornerstone in my business strategy, where I use multiple channels to identify and reach out to potential customers.

Building strategic alliances and partnerships with other businesses and industry leaders has also been instrumental in driving growth. These relationships offer opportunities to learn from industry experts and expand my customer base. Ultimately, navigating a competitive industry requires a consistent focus on delivering value and keeping customers’ needs at the forefront of everything. Embracing this mentality and following these tips ensure that I’m not just successful but thrive, regardless of how competitive the industry gets.

Growing a beauty brand from the ground up is no mean feat. What would you tell someone that wants to do so as well? 
Starting and growing a business can be a daunting task but also a rewarding one. My advice to the person reading this who wants to enter the beauty business would be to identify a specific niche and start small. Doing this gives you a better chance of standing out in a crowded market. First, research your niche extensively. Find out who your target customers are, their preferences and demographics. This research will help you better understand your market and what you need to do to reach them. Additionally, focus on developing a unique proposition that differentiates your business from others.

This will help you gain traction and maintain a competitive edge. Starting small is especially important. You don’t have to go all in at once, instead, start with a minimum viable product and scale from there. By doing this, you’ll avoid spreading yourself too thin. Make use of finite resources more effectively. Another piece of advice is to embrace the journey and learn from your experiences. Starting a business is a learning process, and setbacks and lessons learned can provide valuable insights for growth. Focus on building a solid foundation that can support long-term success. Stay motivated and passionate about your business and niche. This passion will help you through the challenges and inspire others to follow your vision and mission. Above all, remember that starting a business is a marathon, not a sprint. Take your time, be patient, and enjoy the journey as you gradually grow your business to fruition.

You also run a clothing line. How do you manage all these businesses successfully? 
As the CEO of a beauty business and a clothing line, I have developed a successful strategy for managing these diverse ventures. Delegating tasks efficiently has been instrumental in maintaining smooth operations. Recognising that I am only human and cannot handle everything myself, I have entrusted capable managers to oversee the day-to-day operations of my other businesses. By doing so, I can focus on the bigger picture, ensuring each enterprise aligns with its respective vision and goals. Delegating responsibilities not only enables me to allocate my time more effectively but also empowers my team members by providing them with opportunities for growth and development. This approach has proven essential in achieving success as an entrepreneur since effective delegation is often a defining trait of accomplished business leaders.

Innovating during these times can be very tough. What steps have you taken to remain on top of things? 
I always listen attentively to my customers. I am not in business for myself. I am here for my customers. I listen to their problems and create products to solve them. This way, our customers anticipate our products.

You recently became an author. What did you hope to achieve by authoring this book? 
I wrote Success Uncharted for budding entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, about-to-be entrepreneurs and everyone who needs the inspiration to move to the next phase of life. I shared my journey from being a medical laboratory scientist with a 9-5 to starting and growing Nuban Beauty to a successful and leading brand. I shared my unconventional journey and unveiled invaluable lessons I learnt along the way.

You said you have impacted over a thousand women. How are you doing this?
The businesses I have built have made huge impact on a lot of people. Some have started their businesses because we inspired them to do so. Others now have renewed belief in the African dream. To be honest, I was being modest. Nuban Beauty has over 15,000 customers, and we have impacted all of them in one way or another. I also take speaking engagements that I am told empowers women of all ages. I also have coaching and mentorship programmes where I handhold budding and aspiring entrepreneurs to start and scale their businesses the right way.

How do you hope to make a difference for others with what you do presently? 
My mission is to empower and coach entrepreneurs to create businesses that align with their values, goals, and lifestyles. Entrepreneurship is a powerful way to create freedom, impact, and fulfillment, and I am committed to helping others achieve these things through their businesses. I provide personalised guidance, support, and accountability to help entrepreneurs overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Through my book Success Uncharted, I strive to help others find clarity, confidence, and purpose and build businesses that create positive change in the world. I measure my success by the impact I have on the lives and businesses of my clients, and I am passionate about helping them achieve their vision and leave a lasting legacy. My ultimate goal is to help entrepreneurs create successful and fulfilling businesses that enable them to live a life of purpose, passion, and abundance.
