Incorporate extracurricular activities in your child’s routine

Extracurricular activities are very vital to the growth and wellness of children. They promote self-reliance, social skills and self-esteem in them and also aid them in learning life skills outside the classroom. are very vital to the growth and wellness of children. They promote self-reliance, social skills and self-esteem in them and also aid them in learning life skills outside the classroom.

These informal learning techniques may include athletics, social volunteering, theater clubs and internships. It is common for many people to choose their careers based on these skills in later life. However, do not force them to participate in activities they are not interested in.

The benefits of engaging in extra-curricular activities are enormous. For children, it helps boost skills vital for their psychological and socio-emotional development, which helps to reduce screen time as they engage in learning new skills during free time.

It also aids academic performance by boosting brain functions. It alleviates boredom, stress and pressure by providing an opportunity to make new friends with similar interests.

It further fosters a sense of commitment by helping set Specific, Measurable, Relevant, Time-bound (SMART) goals at the personal, academic and professional levels, while developing teamwork and leadership abilities necessary for personality development. It promotes an understanding of the concept of different perspectives through group activities. Participation in extra-curricular activities could also help a child or teenager introspect their interests to pursue a career in the long run.

Here are some of the activities your child can be involved in:
Sports: Children can participate in sporting activities such as basketball, badminton, cricket, swimming, tennis and martial arts, as per their interest and motivation. Sporting activities promote mental and physical health and, in the long run, could support problem-solving, critical thinking, self-management and teamwork skills necessary for personal development.

Cooking: Children across multiple age groups can take up cooking. Let them begin with basic cooking skills like kneading and mixing that promote gross motor skills. Gradually, their learning diversifies based on culinary methods, cuisine and creativity. Regular involvement in cooking activities can help your child make healthy and informed decisions about food and eating.

Book Clubs: Book clubs are small communities of avid readers. You can motivate your child to participate in a children’s book club to meet several reading enthusiasts of their age. Book clubs often organise learning activities that boost children’s vocabulary, reading and oratory skills. Also, the discussion sessions promote public speaking skills necessary to develop self-esteem and confidence.

Robotics: Children above seven years of age interested in technology, engineering and mathematics can consider joining a robotics class. Participating in such classes boosts your child’s cognitive development, fosters creativity and enhances confidence.

Music: Music relaxes and calms; it promotes mental health. Children above five years of age can learn to play any instrument of their choice in their school/college or from a private tutor. From mouth organ to clarinet or drums, playing a musical instrument promotes brain development, hones cognitive skills and builds discipline. Motivate your child to join a music class to learn the basics of playing instruments. They may also join their school band as a part of their extra-curricular activities in school.

Dancing: Dancing is an exciting extra-curricular activity offered by almost every school. Children can learn more than one dance style and participate in different competitions and events. Motivate your child to learn dance as it boosts physical fitness, sharpens mental skills, develops flexibility and agility, and fosters socio-emotional maturity.

Whichever activity your child finds interest in, encourage your child and let him grow with it. Get necessary tools also to help him thrive in his chosen activity.
