Jaiz Foundation disburses N500m Zakat proceeds to over 10000 beneficiaries

CEO, Jaiz Foundation, Dr Abdullahi Shuaib, (left); Deputy National Legal Adviser, NSCIA, Barrister Haroun Eze;a beneficiary; a member of the Waqf Management Committee of Jaiz Foundation, Alhaji Mukhtar Abdulkadir; Al-Habibiyya Islamic Society, Hajiya Habiba Ahmed and Aisha Adaviriku during the 9th Zakat Distribution Ceremony at the National Mosque Conference Hall, Abuja.

At the ninth Zakat Distribution ceremony of Jaiz Charity and Development Foundation (JCDF), the Chief Executive Officer of the organisation, Dr. Abdullahi Shuaib revealed that in the last eight years, JCDF has disbursed N500 million to 10,389 beneficiaries in order to provide succor to the under privileged Nigerians.
The event which took place at the National Mosque Conference Hall, Abuja, saw the foundation disbursing N39 million to beneficiaries from the six area councils of the Federal Capital Territory, (FCT).
Shuaib stated that the total amount distributed for this year’s Zakat is N70 million to 507 beneficiaries. He explained that previous disbursements took place in Katsina and Lagos states.
He also noted that the foundation would continue to deploy its Islamic social finance instruments to alleviate the hardship of the less privileged. “We will also continue to soothe their pains and provide the enabling environment to accomplish the sustainable development goals of the United Nations such as no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, clean water and sanitation, and decent work and economic growth among others.”
He continued: “It is no longer news that the hard times are here again. The resilience of Nigerians is second to none. The leadership of the Jaiz family is fully aware of the tough time most of our people are going through.”
A senator representing Ogun Central District in the 10th National Assembly, Shuaib Salisu, appreciated the co-founder of Jaiz Bank Plc, Alhaji Umaru Abdul Mutallab for the foresight to establish the foundation that provides succour to the poor and less privilege through the institution of Zakat.
He recalled the role played by the late former Secretary General of the Nigeria Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), Dr Abdul Lateef Adegbite, in the establishment of Jaiz Bank Plc. “I am proud to be associated with events initiated to create relief to humanity, which is what Jaiz stands for. That is why the Prophet of Allah (SAW) said the best of you are the kind, who bring benefit to others and this is what the foundation has brought to life – the real essence of our deen.”


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