Know Your Flowers This Valentine


Roses are red, violets are blue, know your flowers this Valentine by using flowery words to celebrate your partner.


Are the model flower to give to someone you love and you can never go wrong with these red beauties on Valentines Day.

Being a classic “I love you gesture”, the red variation is entirely recognised as the lover’s rose. A multicoloured rose bouquet could hold numerous connotations, nonetheless. White roses imply modesty and purity to show how pure your love is. Yellow roses mean partnership and joy; pink roses tell a tale of indebtedness, acknowledgement, or affection; and purple roses are for individuals you’re attracted to or fell in love with at first sight.

According to Floriography, which is the language of flowers, a bouquet of red roses mixed with pink roses sends an extra message of poetic love and admiration.    


These rare beauties, like your crush, are a subtle way of declaring your brewing love full of fragrance just like the flower. The flowers symbolise virtue, euphoria and also secret love. When Gardenia is given, it Indicates deep and uncommon love. Oftentimes a man who gifts Gardenia’s to his darling probably has a long past with her, as they are valuable and sold as single blooms. You can also give these to your crush and declare your love for them.


Comes in many colours and variations, and are recognised as the flower of prosperity and honour. The lush, huge bouquets exemplify romance, success, and good accomplishment. The peony flower meaning makes them a perfect accessory to a Valentine’s Day flower arrangement or 12th wedding anniversary bouquet.

Pink Aster

These pink beauties are an emblem of Venus, the goddess of love, in Roman mythology. They embody qualities of sensitivity, charm, and love. 

Purple Orchids

Are known for their ability to last for years even though this flower is delicate. As the orchids bloom each spring, so is the purple orchid flower, a reminder of your relationship. 


This is another flower that reflects the devotion and friendship that sustains a relationship that scents up with its mild fragrance. It is also known as Peruvian lilies. Alstromeria symbolises the strong commitment of love and friendship with your partner.


These bright blossoms are great for 10 years anniversaries. Perhaps this Valentine marks ten years of your union. You get an extra perk of having 12 months of happiness and good luck. A belief that is attached to the beautiful daffodils.

Hyacinth and Mattihol

Just like the carnations’ expression of love is universal, the combination of Hyacinth and Matthiola births the expression of an enduring love. This flower combo is one way to spread unconditional love. This type of affection is seen among parents and children and in loving parents who have endured.  

Rose Lilies

These cream-coloured flowers represent the purity of the ideal love that is true, represents joy. The mixture of rose and lilies makes the meaning become a union. The appeal of the beautiful flower is associated with life for the elements of fertility and rebirth. This flower comes in different shades with different meanings.


Are ideal flowers that symbolise “perfect” love, as such they’re ideal for valentine. However, the pink Tulips in particular show care. Many have been accused in their relationships of not caring, but the pink tulips communicate care and affection while every other colour of tulips has a different meaning, such as yellow tulips that means happy thought.


With their mild spicy aura in the air, a bouquet of carnations is used to express affection. The meaning of love attached to carnations is all-encompassing; agape love. Just like pink carnations that are commonly used on mothers’ day to express a mother’s undying love, the red carnations symbolise admiration, deep love and affection. White carnations also represent pure love and are used as in romantic gestures to express the feelings of pure romantic love. Carnations have been seen to make a symbolic presence used at 1st wedding anniversaries. 

Pink Bluebells

Do you need to tell your lover your love is everlasting? Let your flower of pink bluebells do the talking. Although not one of the go-to flowers, it speaks in volume, its intention.


How deep is your love? Primroses are gorgeous blossoms that are a reminder of lasting love and commitment. Giving primrose will declare openly that you can’t live without your partner, hence is perfect to gift to your partner this season of valentine.


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