Lime and garlic mixture won’t kill intestinal worms

A message posted on Facebook in Nigeria claims a mixture of lime and garlic treats intestinal worms.

“Get the juice of lime mixed with paste juice from garlic and drink once a day that’s enough for killing worms,” it reads. It adds that the mixture should not be given to children under the age of two.

There are different types of intestinal worm, most of them parasitic. The causes of intestinal worm infestation may vary depending on the type. But poor sanitation and hygiene is one cause.

Infestation does present symptoms in some people, while others may have worms for a while without experiencing any symptoms.

But can this mixture kill intestinal worms?

lime worms

Visit the clinic instead

Abraham Malu, a professor of internal medicine at the University of Jos, urged people not to follow the advice in the Facebook message.

“It is not something we advise or recommend for people to use. This is because there is no evidence that the mixture can cure intestinal worms.”

Malu said lime and garlic were regular foods and not considered dangerous, but there was no scientific evidence that they could treat worms.

Intestinal worms can include flatworms, tapeworms and flukes. “Saying a particular mixture kills all of these is untrue,” he said.

Malu said people worried that they had intestinal worms should go to their local clinic for the required treatment, instead of treating themselves with unproven home remedies


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