Marco Laterza on why corporate health matters

If there is anything that 2020 taught us, it’s that health matters. With the pandemic taking the world stage, causing every nation to stop and think about the importance of health as the world came together to combat covid, now more than ever, people are thinking about health in everything they do.

And as society begins to resume normal life and working in-person, companies and corporations are considering how they can improve the health of their employees, even beyond covid protocol.

One up-and-coming health and fitness expert is changing the approach to corporate health with modernized practices that apply to both mental and physical health in the corporate sector. Meet fitness cover model Marco Laterza.

After leaving behind a corporate career as a banker in wealth management, Laterza went on to pursue another deep passion—health and fitness. Landing 21 fitness magazine covers, the health expert made the transition from fitness to health and fitness where he’s most recently been making waves in the corporate world thanks to his health and fitness services and expertise.

With the worst of covid behind us (we hope), businesses are eager to get back to operating at full capacity. But one trend that’s been evident across many major corporations is an emphasis on health. Though covid was of course the biggest concern over the last year, many other aspects of health have also been compromised. That being said, Laterza has taken corporate health resources to the next level.

“I really strive to help businesses and companies design effective programs that benefit an employee’s physical and mental health,” Laterza says. “From encouraging better eating habits to helping maximize productivity to helping maintain mental health needs, I’m aiming to help businesses evolve their health services to newer and better standards.”

By way of one-on-one training, virtual sessions, meal planning and mental health support, Laterza is showing just how impactful happy and healthy employees can be. He additionally offers corporate speaking services where he specializes in addressing whole companies on health and fitness. With the world taking note of the impact of good health, the integration of health and fitness support like Laterza is sure to become common within many organizations.


