Mdundo’s test your knowledge & win big! Play the Naija Trivia Pop Quiz for free airtime & data!

Feeling like a Nigerian music genius? Ready to prove your Afrobeats expertise? Mdundo got a game for you! We’re launching a weekly Nigerian Music Trivia on our WhatsApp channel, and the top contenders can win awesome prizes.

What’s at stake?
Bragging rights are always sweet, but we’ve got even sweeter rewards:

  • Airtime worth N500 & N1000
  • Mobile data

Join the WhatsApp showdown:

  1. Head over to the mdundo fam: Click the link here and get ready to battle it out with other music lovers!
  2. Fridays are for trivia: Every Friday, a brand new Nigerian music trivia question will hit the mdundo WhatsApp channel.
  3. Be the fastest with the right answer: Answer first and prove your musical knowledge!

Why join the mdundo WhatsApp crew?
The trivia is just the tip of the iceberg! Joining our WhatsApp fam unlocks:
Exclusive music scoops and recommendations
Early access to deals and giveaways
A chance to connect with fellow Nigerian music fanatics
Don’t miss out on this chance to win big and celebrate your love for Nigerian music. Join the mdundo WhatsApp community today!
P.S. Spread the word to your music-loving squad! The more the merrier (and the tougher the competition!).



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