Mizzle, UAX And SO7ACE To Feature in Amazon Music BREAKTHROUGH Sessions

On February 21st, 2023 at 6 pm PT/3:00 am NG, Amazon Music will be hosting a live “Breakthrough” session featuring emerging Afrobeats artists Mizzle, UAX and Afro-European Producer-Duo “SO7ACE”.

Mizzle will be performing his hit single “Marry Her”, while UAX will perform a beautiful rendition of his groundbreaking single “SAFE”, and close out with SO7ACE giving an exclusive performance of songs from their recently released EP, “WAITED”.

This will be an exclusive live performance of some of the newest emerging Afrobeats artistes. Don’t miss out on this unique experience and the chance to hear promising Afrobeats music today.
Tune in to Amazon Music’s “Breakthrough” sessions this February 21st, 2023 at 6 pm PT/3:00 am NG to catch Mizzle, UAX and SO7ACE live via https://amzn.to/3lfroNH

All songs are distributed by 1789/United Masters.

