MURIC, TMC, MPAC congratulate Tinubu


The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), The Muslim Congress (TMC) and Muslim Public Affairs Centre (MPAC) have congratulated the President elect, the All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and his vice, Kashim Shettima, as the winners of the 2023 presidential election held on Saturday, February 25, 2023.

The congratulatory messages was contained in a press statement signed by the Executive Director of the Islamic human rights organisation, Professor Ishaq Akintola, Amir, The Muslim Congress, Alhaji Abdulwasi’l Bangbala and Executive Chairman, Muslim Public Affairs Centre, Disu Kamor.

MURIC congratulated Tinubu, for this great feat and wished him two successful terms in good health, bounteous national prosperity, peace and stability. Bola Tinubu , MURIC said is, indubitably, not only the most eminently qualified for the position but also the best well prepared for it, adding that his victory was therefore well deserved.

Akintola urged him to remain focused on rebuilding Nigeria as he rebuilt Lagos and to stay in character by inspiring religious tolerance the same way he had always tolerated all faiths. “We have no scintilla of doubt that Tinubu, who has been married to a Christian pastor for the past 40 years and led a happy marital life, will successfully manage a multi-religious entity like Nigeria, he said.

“At this juncture, we heartily congratulate his wife, Senator Oluremi Tinubu, for successfully nurturing a model macro home in a multi-religious microcosm called Nigeria.”

TMC also, congratulated Tinubu and Shettima on their hard fought but well-deserved victory.

“Tinubu’s triumph at the elections widely deemed Africa’s largest democratic exercise, is a testament to a renewed hope for a better and forward looking Nigeria. It is a clear statement that Nigerians place greater premiums on antecedents, clear vision and development over other impressionistic considerations, as the successful bid is one built on years of focus, hard work and political sagacity.

Bangbala called on Nigerians from every walk of life, irrespective of partisan affiliations, to join hands with the incoming administration to build a stronger, resilient nation.

“We believe that Tinubu vast experience, rich and extensive network, clear understanding of the pressing issues and assisted by the brilliant, hard-working and resourceful Vice president-elect, Kashim Shettima, will begin, in earnest, the work of steering the country into the path of sustainable peace and national security while accelerating the much desired socio-economic development.

MC urged the runners-up to exercise the spirit of sportsmanship, accept the outcome in the overall interest of the nation and to, rather than heat up the polity, seek redress in court if it is deemed to be of essence.

MPAC also, congratulated Tinubu, and Shettima, on their hard won and successful election to the highest offices as declared by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)

“We use this auspicious period to remind all our elected officials of their duties to God and the nation. We pray that our elected officials will take counsel in the wise and evergreen words of Caliph Abu Bakr (RA), in his inaugural speech, as the first successor to the Prophet (SAW), to be faithful and honest in discharging their duties.

Disu implored all elected officials to remember God who alone has enabled the election, in whose name and presence they make solemn promises to the nation, and to remember the day of accounting before Him.

“As we pray that Allah guides our leaders right and help our youth the truth to know, we earnestly pray that as a nation, we are guided by the Divine light of God Almighty to rediscover the sacred flame of our national heritage, which so many have given their lives to safeguard,’ MPAC said.

Also MURIC thanked the North for standing by Tinubu and for remaining faithful to their pledge. “The Northern Region has proved to all and sundry that it is a region of honour and nobility. The strong statement that has been made with the trajectory of the presidential election is that the North is a reliable friend. The North has demonstrated the essence of Islam in terms of trustworthiness and fulfilment of promises. We are very grateful.”

Akintola also, congratulated the Yoruba Muslims for securing the presidency for the first time since independence. “It is on record that three Yoruba Christians have occupied the post in the past. The victory of Tinubu, a moderate Yoruba Muslim, came as a fulfilment of the yearnings of Muslims in the region.

“We give kudos to INEC for doing a great and professional job. Professor Mahmood Yakubu will be remembered for his nonpartisanship. We call on Nigerians to support Tinubu’s government when it finally comes on board.

He urged the opposition to accept the status quo because it is only Allah that picks leaders of men. “Romans 13:1 says, ‘Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.’

He charged the main opposition candidates to accept the wish of Allah, congratulate Tinubu and work together with the President Elect in order to sustain the good work of President Muhammadu Buhari. This is not the time to dissipate resources on legal disputes. Nigeria needs peace and stability.

We, therefore, call on all the Yoruba people regardless of religion, ideology and political leaning to rally behind Tinubu,’ Akintola appealed.


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