My prediction not attached to intelligence, but the spirit of God, says Primate Ayodele

Primate Babatunde Ayodele
Founder and Head of Inri Evangelical Spiritual Church, Lagos, Primate Elijah Babatunde Ayodele, has insisted that his prediction is never attached to intelligence or knowledge, but led by the spirit of God.

Speaking during the launch of the 27th edition of his annual book, Warning To The Nations, the cleric had predicted that Nigeria‘s breakup would happen without war but with ease before 2040.

This development, however, made the media aide to President Muhammadu Buhari on Media and Publicity, Femi Adeshina, to describe the prediction as unrealistic.

The prominent seer in his response during Sunday service explained that Femi Adesina is his son and cannot join issues with him because he is entitled to his opinion.

Reaffirming his prediction, Primate Ayodele said Adesina should have exercised patient till 2040 and witness the outcome of his prediction.

According to him, “I will not say what they want to hear, I will tell them what God says I should say. As I said, Femi is my son, my friend and my reporter. He only wrote what he feels, not what he knows, I’m not angry with him. Prophecies can only be understood by those in the spirit, not an honorary deacon like Femi. He only wrote what he feels, not what he knows. Prophecies can only be understood by those in the spirit”. I will not say what they want to hear, I will tell them what God says I should say, I am not angry with Femi, I won’t pray against him. It’s not a new thing that a prophet gets criticised, prophets of old were hated, thrown to prison because of their words of prophecy.’’

The primate has been publishing Warnings To The Nation since 1994. Among the prophecies that have been given so far in the past editions, more than 10,000 of them, he said, have come to pass.

He has been celebrated far and wide due to the uniqueness of his prophetic ministry. In Africa, he is the only prophet that publishes a book of prophecy about every nation with testimonies of his statements coming to pass as he put them.


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