NBC President Commends First Baptist Church At Dedication

PHOTO: luther2017.tv
PHOTO: luther2017.tv
THE President of the Nigerian Baptist Convention, Rev. (Dr.) Samson Ayokunle, has commended members of the First Baptist Church, Festac Town, Lagos, for their zeal in things of the Lord.

The president, who came with other leaders of the church from far and near to dedicate the church’s Champions’ Multipurpose Building and to appreciate the senior pastor of the church, Rev. Dr. Victor Akerele for his meritorious service for the past 15 years, urged the church to appreciate their leaders once in five years. Speaking shortly after the event on the theme: “Working Together For An Open Door,” the National Vice-President of Christian Association of Nigeria, enjoined all his churches to emulate the church in Philadelphia, which earned recommendation from God because of their faithfulness and good deeds.

Said he: “Today is a celebration of the church and the pastor working harmoniously together with everyone doing their best to experience heaven’s open door just like the church in Philadelphia. As I said in my message, everybody was doing their best to the extent that they received recommendation from Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Church. When you do your best without looking at anybody, you are opening a door of blessing, which only the Lord will reward. So, it is a celebration of the pastor, members of the church and everybody doing his or her best to please the Almighty God. We are created to serve God and it is when we do so that He will bless our bread and water.”

Speaking on the 15th year appreciation service in his honour, the celebrant, Rev. Victor Akerele said: “The Nigerian Baptist Convention encourages the Baptist churches to appreciate the effort of the pastor for the past 15 years. They will look at the work that the pastor has done, evaluate it and appreciate him. It could be done every year, but because not all churches can put resources together every year, we also dedicated a multipurpose building called champions because we call ourselves champions. It is multipurpose because it houses a school that is called Champions Baptist Academy that starts from crèche, to Daycare, nursery and primary school.

