Its like those paediatrists and psychologists define mere increase in height, weight as growth while development involves corresponding qualitative progress in child,s physical,mental,,emotional development etc.Now nigeria benefits by merely extracting raw crude as a financial windfall for 50 years Is this progerss? What are the industrial,infrastructural,educational,entrepreneurial, politico- social transformations that should accompany this windfall? Next to nothing.The windfall is even mismanaged.Now succintly put this nation is like a 55 year old grown up man with virtually nothing in the head,still a reckless adolescent and highly dependent on other nations.Lets get that loud and clear when we sing our praises.And what errors have this nation not committed in 55 years from civil war to intractable corruption to insurgency and what else in between..Only the drunks or those that just got fat contracts or won local elections praise this nonsense