Dear Nigerians it is 2016 and we can not afford to continue to be this ignorant anymore. With smartphones at our beck and call and informative documentaries available on satellite TV; to then go watch stupid music videos and backward thinking nollywood movies is a SIN!!!.

If you are so stupid and poor that any job will do and you have to do such a dangerous job, for atypical Nigerian owned company that will never create and implement a HSE policy (because TOTAL / SHELL will never let this slide) so you are never going to be given the correct apparatus to wear in there (if you even know how to use it), then ask that you are attached by a harness and rope to the top of the tank, and THAT SOMEONE ALWAYS STANDS WATCH to see that you are conscious and fine in there. So in case something goes wrong an alarm can be raised and efforts are immediately put to bring you out and resuscitate you. DEAR NIGERIANS GO AND READ PRACTICAL BOOKS AND WATCH ON THE JOB PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES ON YOUTUBE STOP LISTENING TO BULLSHIT MOTIVATION SPEECHES AND WEALTH PROPHESIES. THIS IS YOUR LIFE RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. IT IS A SIN TO STILL BE THIS IGNORANT IN 2016!!!