NOIC holds graduation ceremony

A cross section of graduating students of NOIC
A cross section of graduating students of NOIC

Speaking at the 14th biennial graduation ceremony, where about 100 students graduated, Chairman Board of Directors of Nigeria Opportunities Industrialization Centre (NOIC), Lagos, Arch. Bishop Magnus Adeyemi Atilade appealed to Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to make soft loans available for graduates, to enable them to start up their own business.

Atilade, said, “CBN should through banks and other financial institutions, make funds available to students to enable them to become economically productive.

He disclosed that this year’s graduation ceremony was a reaffirmation of the organisation’s commitment to capacity building and service to humanity, through the teaching of marketable skills for economic independence and self-reliance.

He said: “Our students are well trained and prepared to serve in any fields of study. The CBN, government and corporate organisations should give them opportunity to do so, by granting them soft loans through the local banks and other financial institutions to enable them set up their own businesses.

‘’It is crystal clear from recent data release on job creation by the National Bureau of Statistics that Nigeria’s tertiary institutions churn out hundreds of thousands of graduates every year into the labour market, whereas the available opportunities could only absorb less than 10 per cent of job seekers.’’

Congratulating graduands for their feats, the cleric urged them to be positively minded in their endeavours.

