Non-prescription weight loss pills: do they actually work?

Weight loss

Are you considering non-prescription weight loss pills to shed unnecessary weight? Or maybe you are thinking of trying the prescription obesity medication if you think the former doesn’t work. Choosing the best weight loss pills is tricky because there are so many options that may or may not be safe and effective for you. Ideally, look for the ingredients, working, and reviews to estimate how a product would help lose weight.

If you have never tried diet pills before, doing this background check of your desired product is even more necessary. The non-prescription diet pills are easy to get because they save a lot of hassle like prescription weight loss pills. However, you cannot make a good decision unless you talk to a physician, and if he suggests non-prescription options; you still need to do the background check and choose a product that actually works.

Prescription Vs Non-Prescription Diet Pills 

In general, weight loss pills can be divided into two types: prescription-based formulas and non-prescription options. The non-prescription options include herbal dietary supplements, shakes, herbal teas, and powders.

The route to the prescription pills goes through a healthcare expert who will analyze the medical history and suggest customized weight loss plans. These prescription pills are usually suggested when no other option works. For example, morbidly obese patients that cannot undergo surgery for any reason are put on fast-acting, prescription-based diet pills.

Others, with no life-threatening conditions, may take over-the-counter options, such as herbal weight loss pills. These products do not need a doctor’s recommendation. But a consultation can help rule out the root causes of obesity, especially if an underlying disease progresses.

Both prescription and non-prescription have three targets to meet that are;

  • To curb the appetite, reduce food aversions and cravings that make it hard to skip unhealthy food.
  • To accelerate the natural fat-burning process so that the body can gain energy and lose fat at the same time.
  • To prevent absorbing and accumulating new fat layers so that there is no regaining of weight.

What To Consider Before Choosing a Weight Loss Pill?

There are a few things that everyone must check before buying any weight loss supplement or medication. These factors are;

Underlying issues: many times, obesity is caused by another disease progressing slowly. If this condition is controlled, the body drops the extra weight without any medication.

Medical history: weight loss pills are suggested for people who are not a patient or seeking treatment for any other condition.

Medicinal usage: using two supplements or a supplement with a prescription-diet pill can cause severe side effects. Therefore, these combinations should be avoided in the first place.

Allergies: People with food-borne allergies should pay attention to the ingredients in their desired product. If there is a suspected ingredient, it is better not to use it.

Pregnancy: pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised not to take any weight loss pill unless a doctor suggests it.

Age restriction: all the best weight loss pills are created for adult users unless mentioned otherwise on the label.

Risks Involved In Non-Prescription Weight Loss Supplements  

The non-prescription weight loss pills are safer than prescription-based medicines, especially if you choose herbal options. These use natural fat-burning and appetite-suppressant ingredients. The work can be slower than prescription medication, but it is free from undesirable effects, which may be the case with most synthetic formulas.

There are no risks in using OTC weight loss pills. If you are choosing one of the best weight loss pills as per customer reviews and experiences, there are no chances you will see shortcomings. Always check the formulation details and the user experiences if you are concerned about the side effects.

Be careful with any product that you may choose. Using a product against the dosage guidelines or suggested usage may cause unexpected outcomes. Never change the dosage that the company has set. Taking more pills does not ensure faster results. Rather it could lead to agitation, digestive distress, or diarrhea.

Most Effective Herbal Ingredients Checklist 

Here is a list of scientifically proven ingredients that help the body manage weight. All the best diet pills include any of these ingredients. Check the product label to know the ingredients.

Garcinia Cambogia: it is a natural appetite reducer, which helps the body in weight loss. The studies on garcinia show that it is effective against stubborn visceral fat.

Glucomannan: it is a dietary fiber that sticks to the stomach lining, giving a fuller feeling for hours. It is an excellent appetite suppressant that is effective against junk food cravings.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): it helps fat absorption and reduces inflammation. The research on CLA shows it improves lipid profile and insulin response in the body.

Ketones: the exogenous ketones put the body into ketosis and use the stored fat layers to produce energy. This way, the body gets rid of the unwanted fat without compromising energy levels.

Forskolin: it is a carbohydrate blocker that burns facts without layering it. The research evidence indicates it improves insulin response and raises HDL cholesterol levels.

Chromium: it is a trace mineral that increases calorie burn, reduces appetite, and aids in weight loss. For these reasons, it is also sometimes included in antidiabetic and hypothyroidism medicines.

Green Tea extract and green coffee extract: it reduces inflammation and provides antioxidant support. The polyphenols inside it increase metabolic rate and speed up fat burning.

Capsaicin: it increases oxygen consumption and raises body temperature (thermogenesis). This process burns more calories in less time and shows a remarkable result in terms of weight loss.

Why Should You Trust These Products?

As seen on Firstpost, a news blog that has covered a lot of health-related articles.


Managing weight needs dietary and lifestyle changes. But these two things sometimes do not do much, and there is a dire need to use a booster. Both prescription and non-prescription diet pills offer this boost, but there are some non-prescription best diet pills that are safer.

There are some cases where prescription pills offer more help. But this decision is never personal. Only a doctor can make this decision for you. Use the natural alternatives if you do not want to get into a prescription struggle. These supplements are convenient, gentle on the body and helpful, depending on which brand you trust.

Never choose a product by its packing or name alone. Look for the important details, such as formulation, manufacturing information and safety. Combine them with a healthy diet and active routine for faster and better results.


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