NYSC DG urges corps members to promote unity through social media

The Director-General, National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Brig.-Gen. Shuaibu Ibrahim has charged corps members to use social media for promoting peace and unity rather than fake news.

Ibrahim gave the charge on Saturday during the commemoration of the 48th anniversary of NYSC held at the Magaji Dan Yamusa Permanent Orientation camp, in Keffi Local Government Area of Nasarawa state.

The NYSC D-G said that using social media to promote peace and unity has become imperative due to its huge influence on the youths.

“The social media has become a powerful tool for communication and corps members need to be enlightened on the opportunity it offers towards peace and unity.

“This powerful communication tool should not be used to propagate fake news as the NYSC was established to promote unity and integration in the country.

“Corps members should therefore be sure of the sources of information transmitted in the social media,” he said.

He expressed dismay over the news making the rounds on the social media of his purported call for corps members to be mobilised for war, saying that his comments were misconstrued.

Ibrahim explained that he was interviewed on a national television station where he said that corps members are important when it comes to a national emergency.

“It was misconstrued by mischief makers especially on social media who reported that I was mobilising corps members for war.

“The March for Unity exercise earlier conducted by corps members in orientation camps across the country is a deliberate reminder to Nigerians that their diversity is their strength.

“There is no country which does not have problems but we have to sit, evaluate such problems critically and sort them amicably,” he said.

Mr Stephen Dewan, the NYSC Coordinator in Nasarawa state appreciated the director-general for the visit, noting that it has motivated the corps members.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the NYSC D-G presented empowerment ‘starter packs’ to two corps members, Mr Paschal Chiemeka and Miss Kaladede Tommy.

The duo distinguished themselves in the Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) training in cosmetology and fashion designing.


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