Patriotism In Nigerian Fashion Industry

So I started this piece with the intention to give model/runway to reality looks and it didn’t go out so well. I wonder why?

Is it that people do not wear our local brands or they have issues with posting pictures about it?

Or is it that the brands are too expensive to wear?

I have no idea, because personally I haven’t tried to buy any. Asking around, to know why people do not feel the need to patronize their local brands, they come up with reasons like;

It is too expensive’

‘ It is not worth it, for the price’

‘ Quality and finishing’

‘ Bad customer service

The list is endless. So I would throw it to the house, why don’t we Nigerians, patronize our local designers and brands?

Others actually patronize theses brands but do not feel the need to speak about it like they would if they are wearing international brands, I think that is another problem, if you are getting good service, wonderful quality and a great outfit from a local designer, it is your duty to share and let the world know that we can do it too.





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