Pete Davidson Joins Blue Origin’s 20th Mission

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Saturday Night Live comedian Pete Davidson will join five other astronauts on Blue Origin’s 20th mission to space next week. 

The fourth human flight for the New Shepart program, Davidson and other passengers will each travel with a postcard for Blue Origin’s foundation Club for the Future and Postcards to Space program, which gives students access to space on Blue Origin’s rockets.

In line with the organization’s mission is to inspire future generations to pursue STEM for the benefit of the Earth.

The NS-20 flight is scheduled for March 23 at 8:30 a.m. local time from Launch Site One in West Texas.

Asides Kim Kardashian’s new beau, the flight crew also includes Marty Allen, angel investor and CEO of Party America; Sharon Hagle, founder of the SpaceKids Global nonprofit, her husband Marc Hagle, president and CEO of Tricor International, Jim Kitchen, a teacher at University of North Carolina and Dr. George Nield, the president of Commercial Space Technologies, LLC. 

People magazine had reported earlier this month that Davidson was in talks for the mission, making him the latest celebrity to embark on the 11-minute voyage, after William Shatner and Michael Strahan. 

Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson had joined a dinner party hosted by billionaire Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos at his Los Angeles home with partner Lauren Sánchez back in January.

Davidson’s trip to space comes just as he was announced to star as a fictionalized version of himself in the new series Bupkis, from SNL creator Lorne Michaels.


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