Power against battle extender – Part 1

Battles are inevitable in life and there are certain battles that ought not to last long in the life of a man. No battle is allowed to last forever, but there are certain powers that ensure that battles are prolonged in the life of man; so they do everything possible to see that the battles continue. From our Bible text, we see that God told the people to go up against Ai in battle and conquer them. This battle was not expected to last long because the people of Ai were very few, but unfortunately the Israelites were defeated. This implies that the battle had to continue.

Some people are in battles, today, because theirs have been extended from month to month, year to year and even generation to generation. You have to fight and win the battles you inherited from your parents, so that they are not handed over to your children or keep spreading from generation to generation. There are powers that extend these battles and I pray for you today that such powers will be arrested in your life in Jesus’ name.
In 1 Peter 5:10, God did not say that you will not face battles in life, but it is only for a while. You might be going through battles of financial hardship, health challenges, foundational problems, spiritual battles or delay in marriage and child bearing; God will put an end to them all in Jesus’ name. If God permits the enemy to bring you battles, the purpose is to make you perfect and stable. If your faith is unstable you cannot get anything from God, James 1:2-8. When God stabilises you, He then empowers and strengthens you for where He is taking you to; He releases the anointing to succeed and then settles you. God has to empower you so that the enemies will not snatch your blessings from God. There are spiritual vultures everywhere waiting to snatch the breakthroughs of men.

There are two major reasons the enemy wants to extend the battles of man. The first is to cause you to be tired, so that you can give up. They do what is called guerilla warfare with you. They surface and attack when you least expect them. They make you think it is all over, so that you can get discouraged and give up.

The second reason is to introduce delay or to truncate your destiny. It is often said tdelay is not denial, but this is not exactly true because certain delays could amount to denial. As a beautiful young lady, if such powers delay you from getting married till about the age of 60, it will only take a miracle for you to get married. How do you then fulfill your destiny? Such powers can frustrate the vision and purpose of a man. May every of such powers in your life be frustrated today and the battles terminated in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Points
• Whatsoever is in me that is enabling powers to extend battles in my life, die in Jesus’ name.
• I overthrow every spirit of delay assigned against my breakthrough by fire.
• My glory, my glory, hear the word of the Lord, in the name of Jesus, arise and shine.

• Reverend John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. dtimchurch@gmail.com. Prayer line: +2348135952623.


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