Reduce stress, it kills rapidly, Nigerians told

[FILES] Shot of a young businesswoman looking stressed out in an office
Chairman of Quantum Business School in Port Harcourt, Mr. Victor Itonyo, and relationship expert, Wisdom Osiri, have urged Nigerians to reduce stress by adopting ‘safe support system’, warning that stress kills people rapidly.

The duo stated this yesterday in Port Harcourt during a “Family, Business and Love” programme organised by Quantum Business School.

Itonyo lamented that the standard of living for many Nigerians had become more problematic, forcing many citizens to go beyond their limits to survive current economic woes.

He disclosed that in a bid to survive hard times, some Nigerians submitted lower certificates to enable them benefit from Federal Government N-Power programmes. N-Power programme is a Federal Government-sponsored youth empowerment scheme created to deal with problems of unemployment, among youths.

Itonyo urged Nigerians to do things differently by setting up family businesses, which according to him, would build industries and create generational wealth and financial stability.

He said: “A peace of mind is necessary, create an atmosphere that can bring peace of mind because without peace of mind, the business cannot flourish.”

Similarly, Osiri urged citizens to make themselves happy and their homes a friendly abode.

“People are having a lot of problems that they cannot share with people, there is so much pressure everywhere even the World Health Organisation has noted that stress has become ‘a world epidemic.”

He said people could help one another to overcome stress, stressing that wives should help their husbands, while husbands should also help their wives and children and make the home peaceful and stress free.

The Managing Director of the Quantum Business, Mrs. Josephine Itonyo, and Dr. Spehenie Oarhe, urge Nigerians not to allow some people to put them under pressure.


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