Rendering Legal Services For The Church: Abraham Yisa’s Way

Agbara-otor-CopyTHE Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) is blessed with a humble, dedicated, loyal and resourceful Registrar in the person of Barrister Abraham Yisa. In his discharge of duty overtime, he has not been found wanting. No wonder at the last General Synod of Church of Nigeria held at the Cathedral of Good Shepherd, Enugu last year September, he was overwhelmingly re-elected. This was both a testament and a show of solidarity of good works to one who is really performing.

Acknowledging his re-election later and re-affirming his commitment to work with him, the Primate of All Nigeria, Most Rev. Nicholas D. Okoh observed that: ‘ Abraham Yisa has been a selfless law officer of the Church, who commits not only himself but also his time, talents and resources into his job, as a way of serving his God.’ He said such an uncommon services are legendary and should be emulated by all Church law officers in all our Dioceses within the Communion.

Let it be on record that among persons recognised at that General Synod under the platform of Church of Nigeria, Abraham Yisa made the list. We had other recognised notable persons of the Church to include: His Excellency, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan (GCFR) former President of Nigeria, Rt. Rev. Samuel Ajayi Crowther of blessed memory, Most Rev. Benjamin C. Nwankiti of blessed memory and Dr Alex Uruemu Ibru of blessed memory (Publisher of Guardian Newspaper) among other.

However, it is important to draw the attention of other law officers of the Church (Chancellors, Registrars, Legal Secretaries, Legal Officers) particularly as they rose from their fourth conference held at the Basilica of Grace in Apo, Abuja from 17th to 20th August, 2015 to emulate the example of Abraham Yisa, who as it were, gave his utmost services to the Church. It is to be noted that some Church locations are neck-deep in crisis, land disputes, internal wrangling and other allied problems that may hamper Church growth and spirituality. In such a situation, therefore, it is expected that Church law officers should go all out to assist the Church through their legal training, devotion, commitment and if possible resources as a way of saving the Church of Jesus Christ from distraction of preaching God’s word. If a Church is neck-deep in crisis, there is every tendency that its energy and resources may be directed to a wrong course.

Therefore, this call is necessary so that our legal officers would now know that beyond Synod services, ordination services, consecration and enthronement of Bishops and some Church inaugurations, they are even more needed to ensure a smooth administration of the Church of God. Their presence, commitment, devotion and use of their resources will no doubt move the Church to the next level. While commending them for services rendered in some areas for the health of the Church so far, it is important that we plead with them that they take a step further by following in Abraham Yisa’s footsteps, who is selfless in his work to God and humanity.
Ven. Ernest Onuoha
Rector, Ibru International Ecumenical Centre, Agbarha-Otor, Delta State.

