Retired Kwara CJ urges judges, lawyers to remain neutral in dispensation of justice

Publisher and CEO Lawbreed Limited, Mr. Layi Babatunde SAN (Left); Wife of Chief Judge, Hajiya Atinuke Kawu; outgoing Chief Judge of Kwara State, Hon. Justice Sulyaman Duro Kawu and the Deputy CEO of Lawbreed Limited publishers of Supreme Court Judgment, Mrs Adejoke Layi-Babatunde at the court session 2022/2023 legal year and retirement of Kwara Chief Judge in Ilorin
The retired Chief Judge of Kwara State, Justice S. Durosinlorun Kawu, has called on judges and lawyers to remain neutral in the dispensation of justice, as well as impartial, to stem the tide of blanket condemnation of the judiciary as corrupt.

He admonished the legal practitioners to send a clear and strong message to the public that judges are not for or against any political party or politician.

Justice Kawu disclosed this at the special session of the High Court to mark the commencement of the 2022/2023 legal year and his retirement as the Chief Judge of the state in Ilorin.

He said as the general election is approaching, legal practitioners must send a clear and strong message to the public that judges are not for or against any political party or politician.

He reminded them that the country is approaching the general election when serious legal fireworks would start to happen in various courts.

He noted that judges would be called upon to decide delicate issues couched by advocates in flowery legal garbs, with far reaching political consequences.

“As judges, we must stay out of the fray, remain neutral and impartial. We must send a clear and strong message to the public that judges are not for or against any political party or politician and that when cases are brought before us, parties must convince the court, not that they have deep pockets or contacts but that their cause is lawful and just.

“As members of the legal profession, we must prove ourselves to be men and women of honour, integrity and discipline by strictly adhering to our Code of Conduct and rules of professional ethics.”

He also emphasised the importance of administration of justice to democracy, and indeed, to the existence of the society, noting that the time has come, more than ever before to apply the needed disciplinary measures against erring members without any regard for social, ethnic or religious considerations.

“This, in my view, is the road to take to justify our claim as members of the honourable and noble profession and stem the tide of the now common and dangerous blanket and wholesale condemnation of judges, and the judiciary as corrupt.

“The enormity of the responsibility, which the constitution, and indeed, the society, place on judges and lawyers requires that we stand on a very high moral pedestal, for, according to the Roman Slave, Publius Syrus, the greater a man is in power above others, the more he ought to excel them in virtue.

“Anything short of this will erode the confidence of the people in the ability of our judicial system to uphold the rule of law and protect life and property. We must, therefore, be conscious of what verdict history will deliver on how we discharge our assigned responsibilities,” he stated.

Justice Kawu, therefore, disclosed that a total number of 2,648 criminal and civil cases were filed before the state High Court in the 2021/2022 legal year.

He said 281 criminal cases were adjudicated out of 420 criminal cases in the last legal year.

He also said a total number of 834 civil cases were disposed of out of 2,228 civil cases, while the total number of both criminal and civil cases pending in the High Court was given as 1,533.


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