Rose Alaba, Sister Of Real Madrid’s Defender David Alaba Laments Inability To Speak Yoruba

Real Madrids’ defender David Alaba’s sister Rose May, a Nigerian-Austrian singer has expressed her heartbreak over not being able to speak her father’s native language, Yoruba.

Rose May disclosed this at a turntable interview, she said; “It breaks my heart that I can’t speak Yoruba because I really wish I can.

“I grew up in Austria, and my parents communicated in English, so that was how I was able to speak English. I learned how to speak German in school.

Despite growing up in Austria with Nigerian and Filipino parents, Rose May was not able to learn Yoruba as her parents communicated primarily in English.

She shared that it was a great disappointment for her as she wished she could speak the language.

Rose May’s upbringing in Austria exposed her to various cultures, including Yoruba and Filipino, resulting in a unique blend of influences that informed her music.

She said; “The result is a cultural hybrid that combines with my parent’s musical backgrounds to make me an artist whose music carries intercontinental markers.”

She learned English from her parents and German in school, which, combined with her parents’ musical backgrounds, has contributed to her identity as an artist with intercontinental markers.
