‘Setting clear and realistic boundaries is key to maintaining healthy work-life balance’

Olayinka Mordi serves as the Creative Director of Querida Living Interiors. She is also the CEO of Qpaintsng, a full-service interior design firm renowned for its excellence in designing residential and commercial spaces. A Computer Science graduate and certified customer care specialist, she holds a diploma in Interior Design from Jenniez School of African Interior Design and a certificate in Commercial Design, Coordinating and Overseeing a Building Project from KLC School of Design in London, United Kingdom. A certified member of the Interior Design Association of Nigeria (IDAN), she brings a wealth of expertise to her roles. She is passionate about empowering young married women and founded a non-governmental organisation to support and impact them to achieve growth in their fields of endeavour through a yearly empowerment conference she has hosted for the past five years.

Mordi is the author of ‘Power Moves Book and Devotional’, which guides young married women to make daily decisions that contribute to their outstanding lives. In this interview, she speaks on running a thriving business and leading younger women.

Take us through your career path and what inspired your love for interior designing?
Growing up, I was always in awe of my mother’s impeccable taste in interior design. Whether it was the way she arranged the furniture, the colour schemes she chose or the decor she placed on the shelves, everything was just so perfectly put together. Even as a child, I would often find myself staring at the rooms in our house, admiring the way my mother had designed them. Despite my fascination with interior design, I chose to pursue a career in Computer Science after completing my education. For over a decade, I worked in various roles in the IT industry, providing customer care, technical support and managing operations. While I enjoyed my work, my passion for interior design never faded away. In fact, it grew stronger when I got married and had a home of my own to decorate. Without any formal training, I began to experiment with different design styles, combining colours, textures and patterns to create unique and inviting spaces. To my surprise, my efforts were met with praise and admiration from family and friends who visited our home. Encouraged by their positive feedback, I decided to take the leap and turn my love for interior design into a career. I started my own business, offering design services to clients who wanted to transform their homes into beautiful and functional spaces. With every project I took on, I learned something new and honed my skills further. Looking back, I feel grateful for the journey that led me to where I am today.

You have bagged various certifications in interior designing. How has it shaped and helped you evolve?
Getting certified in interior designing has been a game-changer for me. You know, having a passion for something is great, but adding a professional touch through certifications takes things to a whole new level. Think of these certifications as a badge of honour. They show clients and employers that I’m not just passionate but also have the proper skills and knowledge to do an outstanding job. It’s like saying, “Hey, I’ve got the expertise to make your space amazing.” In my experience, these certifications opened doors to more advanced aspects of interior design. I started from basic decorating, and now I’m confidently handling more complex tasks like interior design, renovations and even construction projects. It’s like going from painting a room to redesigning an entire space. The cool part is that these certifications aren’t just pieces of paper. They have given me a solid understanding of the ins and outs of the industry. With this expanded knowledge and skills, I’ve taken on bigger and more challenging projects. And you know what? I have been able to wow my clients every time, going beyond what they expected. It’s like turning a simple design into something extraordinary.

What stands out for you in your work and what innovation are you bringing into the interior design industry?
In my job as an interior designer, what makes me stand out is my ability to understand my clients’ problems and what they want both in their heads and hearts. I listen to how they talk about their issues and figure out what they want for their space and the people who will use it. By creatively solving these needs, I can deliver a successful project. One exciting innovation I’ve embraced in the interior design industry is the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies. Now, instead of just showing clients drawings or plans, I can create immersive 3D experiences. It’s like a virtual walkthrough of their future space. This technology allows a client to see and feel the design in a way that wasn’t possible before. Imagine being able to step into your new living room or office virtually before any furniture is moved. This not only enhances the visual aspect of the design but also fosters better communication. Clients can provide more specific feedback because they get a real sense of how the space will look and function. It’s like bringing the design to life before it becomes a reality, making the whole process more engaging and interactive for everyone involved.

How are you contributing to economic development through your work?
In my role as an interior designer, I’m not just making spaces look good; I’m actually playing a vital part in boosting the economy. You see, it goes beyond picking pretty colours and furniture. When I work on projects, I’m creating a demand for things like furniture, materials and construction services. This might sound small, but it’s a big deal for industries like furniture making and construction. It means more jobs and growth for businesses involved in making and building the things we use in our homes and offices. And let’s talk about the real estate and construction industries. By helping people spruce up their spaces, I contribute to the growth of these sectors. This isn’t just about making places pretty; it’s about making them better, which attracts more businesses and residents. More businesses mean more jobs; and more people moving in means more construction and growth. Now, in Nigeria, where we have got our fair share of employment challenges; every bit counts. My work as an interior designer might seem like just picking curtains and arranging furniture but it’s a small part of a big picture. I’m creating a ripple effect that goes beyond aesthetics to boosting industries, creating jobs and contributing to the economic growth of our region.

Share with us some of the challenges you have faced running your business in the last six years and how you were able to pull through?
One of the primary aspects of our work involves dealing with artisans, who form the core of our production process. Their role is instrumental in translating our design ideas into tangible products. However, it’s not always easy to communicate the vision we have in mind to them. We have found that creating a work schedule that allows for close supervision and getting them to understand the intended outcome of the project has been crucial in ensuring that all the bits and pieces of the design come together seamlessly. Another significant challenge we face regularly is the volatile nature of the market due to fluctuating exchange rates. This unpredictability can throw our financial planning off balance, making it difficult to forecast possible price increases ahead, particularly for long-duration projects. To manage this risk, we have to re-assess continually and have a financial plan in place. We also engage in bulk buying and try to lock-in rates with our suppliers to mitigate the impact of any future price increases.

How do you stay inspired and motivated?
I have a clear sense of what purpose or success means to me; so I am not easily swayed by comparison because that is the easiest way to be uninspired. As an interior designer, I have the opportunity to create spaces that enhance the well-being, productivity and satisfaction of my clients and their users. So, whether I am designing a home, offices, restaurants, hotels or retail stores, I tell myself that I can make a positive impact on the environment, the culture and the community. That purpose is why I chose this career; so I align my values and goals with them.

I also constantly motivate myself to keep up with the latest trends, technologies and standards. By challenging myself to learn new things, expand my knowledge, skills and creativity, I take courses, attend workshops, webinars and conferences, read books and magazines, follow blogs and podcasts, and experiment with new tools and methods.

You are also the author of ‘Power Moves’. What informed writing this devotional?
As a young woman, I have come to realise that the decisions we make, no matter how small they may seem, can have a significant impact on our journey towards fulfilling our purpose in life. These decisions are not limited to big life-changing choices but also include the daily activities we engage in. When we consistently make choices that align with our goals and aspirations, we create power moves that propel us towards becoming more powerful and successful in whatever sphere of life we find ourselves. This realisation has inspired me to write a book that delves deeper into the concept of power moves and how they can aid us in achieving our desired outcomes. The book aims to provide young women with practical insights and tools that will help them make better decisions and develop habits that lead to success. I believe that by consistently making power moves, we can unlock our full potential and live the life we have always dreamed of.

As an entrepreneur, author, speaker and family person, how do you combine your many sides and still be at your best?
As an entrepreneur, it can be challenging to balance work and personal life effectively. One of the most significant struggles faced by many entrepreneurs is the temptation to work continuously, respond to every email and accept every opportunity that comes their way. However, this approach can lead to overwork, fatigue and eventually, resentment towards their work.

To overcome this challenge, I have found that setting clear and realistic boundaries is key. I establish specific times for starting and ending my workday, which allows me to stay focused and productive throughout the day. I also set aside specific times during the day to check and respond to messages, so I’m not constantly distracted by notifications. In addition to time management, I prioritise tasks and delegate or outsource those that are less important or that someone else can handle. This helps me to free up time and energy for more critical tasks that require my attention. By organising every aspect of my life within a well-regulated boundary and prioritising tasks, I avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

How can we get more women to become successful and rise to the top as you have done?
As women, we should recognise and appreciate the value and potential we possess. We all have something unique inside us that the world needs. It might not be something grand or extraordinary, but it can make a significant difference within our own circle of influence. Every step we take towards positive change can have a tremendous impact on the world around us. Regardless of our current life situation, whether we are stay-at-home mums, newlyweds, nursing mothers, working mums, entrepreneurs or anything in between, each of us has a unique purpose and definition of success. It is crucial to identify what that means to us and embrace it wholeheartedly. Life is full of different seasons, and as we transition from one season to another, it is essential to give our all and pour ourselves into each one. Although seasons may come and go, they never last forever; hence, we must make the most of every moment and use it to create a positive impact on our lives and the world around us.

My advice to you would be to surround yourself with supportive people who believe in your dreams. Seek out mentors who can guide you along the way. Don’t be afraid to take risks; stepping out of your comfort zone often leads to amazing things. Remember, success isn’t just about the destination; it’s about the journey and the positive impact you make along the way. So, go out there, shine bright and make the world a better place!

What is your life mantra?
One of the most important beliefs that I hold close to my heart is that I am capable of achieving my dreams, and I have the courage to take action. This personal mantra has always been a guiding principle in my life, helping me stay focused, motivated and determined to succeed.
