Six signs that indicate you are losing battle against enemy – Part 2

The second sign that you are losing the battle against the enemy is when you find it difficult to fast and pray. You give all kinds of excuses such as being sick, tired or busy. Praying becomes a burden and when you do, you are always sleeping off, especially at night.

The devil will allow you to do every other thing but not prayer. He even allows you to hear the word but ensures that you don’t do according to God’s word. He understands that the source of power for a believer is in the place of fellowship with God. There are certain things that cannot leave your life except by fasting and prayers, Mk. 9:29. So whenever you discover that you are struggling to pray then you need to wake up because the enemy is about to triumph over you. The more prayerful you are, the less sinful you will become and vice versa. In the place of prayer, there is transfer of anointing as God robs on you. When Moses came down from the mountain after an encounter with God, he had a reflection of God. You cannot be in God’s presence in the place of prayer and remain ordinary. The disciples of Jesus asked Him to teach them how to pray when they saw the effect of prayers in Jesus’ ministry.

When the things of God are no longer of interest to you, it is another sign that you are losing the battle against the enemy. This is clearly expressed in Rev. 3:15-16 and God says He will spit such persons out of His mouth. For some persons, they no longer find it exciting to go to church and when they do, they are eager to leave even before the close of service. Giving to the work of the kingdom and even working for God becomes a burden. Others also find it difficult to study their Bible, and can sleep off within a few minutes of studying but stay wide awake through the night watching movies.

How do you win the war against the enemy? Some persons find it difficult to evangelise, talk to their neighbours and loved ones about the gospel of good news. When you complain so much about the church, it is another sign that you have lost interest in the things of God. Such persons become very divisive, and cause factions in the church. This can be very dangerous because it opens door for the enemy to attack. The essence of coming to church is for fellowship and when we do this with great focus, we begin to experience the power of unity. May God breath a fresh zeal upon you and empower you for Kingdom service in Jesus name.
Prayer Points

• Witchcraft rope tying me down to the same spot, in the name of Jesus receive fire.
• Every satanic structure built against my life, scatter in Jesus name.
• Cauldron of darkness used to cook my life or destiny, in the name of Jesus scatter by fire.
• Every satanic grip over my life by the evil powers of my father’s house, break in Jesus name.
• Any evil person that has made it a full time job to be attacking my life, your time is up, die in Jesus name.
• Reverend John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. Prayer Line: +2348135952623


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