Sperm Donor Of 550 Children Sued Over Risks Of Incest

Jonathan Jacob Meijer, a serial sperm donor believed to have fathered 550 children, is facing a lawsuit from the Netherlands’ Donorkind Foundation over allegations that his frequent donations are increasing the risk of accidental incest.

The Telegraph reported Meijer is also accused of lying about the number of children he has fathered. A Dutch mother of one of Meijer’s children is bringing a civil case against him.

She said, “If I had known he had already fathered more than 100 children I would never have chosen him. If I think about the consequences this could have for my child I am sick to my stomach.”

According to Dutch sperm clinic guidelines, donors should only donate a maximum of 25 children or to a dozen
women to prevent inbreeding, incest, or psychological problems for donor children.

Donorkind Foundation is reportedly seeking a court order to prevent Meijer from donating and is calling for an investigation into the clinics he has donated to.

The foundation wants all of Meijer’s sperm in storage to be destroyed, except for cases where it is being saved for a woman who already has one of his children.

Chairman of the foundation Ties van der Mee said they are taking action because the government is doing nothing and that Meijer has a global reach via the internet and does business with large, international sperm banks.

Meijer is currently on a Dutch donation blacklist but has continued to donate abroad, including in Denmark and Ukraine.
