Styling African men

Being a stylish African man doesn’t come bare or cheap, but with all the i’s properly dotted and the t’s appropriately crossed. Perhaps this is why a number of men get on the school of thought that ‘men’ do not exactly have varieties in fashionable attires or clothing as women do – the lack of stylish male clothing design creativity.
It would interest you to know that this is a misconception that only men with zero fashion sense or style get on about. A typical stylish African man is completely aware of the ranges of classy styled attires available for him based on the diversity in African fabric designs.
As a matter of fact, a fashionista African man and his designer knows how to combine Western and African pieces to achieve unparalleled attire that makes a loud fashion statement in any setting. The famous Nigeria Media Personality and Big Brother Naija (BBN) host Ebuka Obi-Uchendu is a perfect example. His designers know how to make him the centre of attraction in any crowd or gathering whilst depicting the uniqueness of African style in his attire. It is almost impossible to see Ebuka show up and not appreciate African fashion in its originality and totality. This is why styling outfits for African men has no limitation but it’s about the designers knowing their onions.  


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