Tales Of Love And Heart Breaks

Tales Of Love And Heart Breaks

Romantic relationships, for some, are the most significant aspect of life, a source of profound satisfaction.

It may be the plot of dreamy films to meet the lifetime spouse, but it doesn’t happen to everybody.

Finding love and losing it, has become the new normal perhaps because people settle down in relationships and become relaxed, disillusioned by the idea that they truly know their partners.

There are a few common difficulties that most people in relationships will experience at one stage or another, from communication issues to the string of mistrust and finding it hard to carve out one-on-one time.

In this regard, we decided to have some Nigerians share their best and worse relationship experience.

Tairemi, 26
I was driving one day and this handsome guy pulled up next to me at a red light and waved at me and I smiled back. The light turned green and we met at the next red light where he motioned me to roll down my window. We didn’t have enough time to introduce ourselves before the light turned green again. He looked back and said, “I’m going to see you again,” and drove away. We didn’t get a chance to exchange numbers. A week later I was at a certain restaurant with friends, and it turns out that he owns the place. We reintroduced ourselves, and as I was about to leave, I wrote my number on a napkin. When I went to hand it to him, he already had his number ready to give to me too. It has been green lights ever since.

Nelson, 27
I met this person in my first few days at the University. We were friends at first and, the love blossomed. We read, prayed, went on date nights and did a whole lot of things together (lol). That was my first experience of being in love. We lived and enjoyed every moment for three years. Sadly, we had to end things because my partner was made an EXCO (Executive Committee) of the Campus Christian Fellowship.

I wanted to get over my ex real quick, so I found myself in another relationship a year later. I was swept off my feet despite the countless red flags, like not taking responsibility and never apologising for wrong actions, excessive alcohol intake and many more. I was constantly abused both emotionally and physically, ignored and used for financial gains. We dated for a few more months until I was unceremoniously ghosted.

Cecilia, 26
My first relationship really ended badly. I was 20 at that time, and he was 34, a medical practitioner. He had already two Masters while I was still an undergraduate in 300 level. It was my first relationship. I was quite excited and very young. He was older and smart, a highly intellectual person and that made me feel good about myself. I called him one fateful day, but he was not picking up his call so I became worried and decided to go see him at his place. I knew he was always at home on or before 7 pm. When I arrived at his place, I met another lady in his room. I greeted them and left. No introduction was given at that time. He followed me and said the lady was his colleague who stays far from the office and decided to stay at his place for one week. I was shocked because he didn’t mention that to me before that day. He tried to defend himself, and he said the lady was leaving that day and I believed him. I bumped into them another day, and the lady was still there, this time, in his kitchen cooking while he was in his living room. I greeted him and left. I figured it wasn’t going to work. I deleted his number. He tried calling me, but it was the end for me. We broke up just after two weeks into the relationship.
I got back from school one time, and I saw he was married to this lady.

Busayo, 27
It was just three months in my relationship when I became really ill. I didn’t want to stress my partner because I knew he had too much work to do. I woke up to some missed calls from him after taking a fevered sleep. Apparently, when he couldn’t reach me, he became so nervous, so he left work and came to my place. He looked so concerned when I saw him, and that it broke my heart. He spent the day running aromatherapyund to get me things. He made me feel loved and I knew at that moment that I loved him.


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