Ten qualifications for the rapture – Part 9

Emeritus Prof. Mercy Olumide

“Live And Walk In The Spirit” Cont.
The Fruit of the Spirit. (Gal 5:22,23) is a single-minded lifestyle called “the fruit of the Spirit.” This is produced in God’s children as they allow the Spirit to so direct and influence their lives that they destroy sin’s power, especially the acts of the sinful nature, and walk in fellowship with God (see Rom 8:5-14; 8:14; cf. 2 Cor 6:6; Eph 4:2-3; 5:9; Col 3:12-15; 2 Pet 1:4-9).

Christian character is produced by the Holy Spirit, not by the mere moral discipline of trying to live by the law. Paul makes it clear that justification by faith does not result in libertinism. The indwelling Holy Spirit produces Christian virtues in the believer’s life. The fruit of the Spirit includes:

(1) “Love “ (Gk agapê), i.e., charity; a caring for and seeking the highest good of another person without motive of personal gain (Rom 5:5; 1 Cor 13; Eph 5:2; Col 3:14);

(2) “Joy” (Gkchara), i.e., the feeling of gladness, based on the love, grace, blessings, promises and nearness of God that belong to those who believe in Christ (Ps 119:16; 2 Cor 6:10; 12:9; 1 Pet 1:8);

(3) “Peace” (Gk eirênê), i.e., the rest of heart and mind, based on the knowledge that all is well between the believer and his or her Heavenly Father, resulting in freedom from the turmoil of anxiety (Rom 15:33; Phil 4:7; 1 Thes 5:23; Heb 13:20);

(4) “Longsuffering” (Gk makrothumia), i.e., endurance, patience; being slow to anger or despair (Eph 4:2; 2 Tim 3:10; Heb 12:1);

(5) “Gentleness” (Gk chrêstotês), i.e., Kindness; not wanting to hurt anyone or cause them pain (Eph 4:32; Col 3:12; 1 Pet 2:3). Kindness is a characteristic of true love (1 Cor 13:4). This word can describe gentleness, goodness, uprightness, generosity, and graciousness.

(6) “Goodness” (Gk agathósunê), i.e., zeal for truth and righteousness and a hatred of evil. It can be expressed in acts of kindness (Luke 7:37-50) or in rebuking and correcting evil (Mat 21:12-13);

(7) “Faithfulness” (Gkpistis), i.e., firm and unswerving loyalty to a person to whom one is united by promise, commitment, trust and honesty (Mat 23:23; Rom 3:3; 1 Tim 6:12; 2 Tim 2:2; 4:7; Tit 2:10);

(8) “Meekness” (Gk prautês), i.e., gentleness; restraint coupled with strength and courage. It describes a person who can be angry when anger is needed and humbly submissive when submission is needed (2 Tim 2:25; 1 Pet 3:15; for gentleness in Jesus, compare Mat 11:29 with Mat 23 and Mark 3:5; in Paul, compare 2 Cor 10:1 with 10:4-6 and Gal 1:9; in Moses, compare Num 12:3 with Ex 32:19-20); not violent not quarrelsome (1 Tim 3:3);

(9) “Temperance” (Gk egkrateia), i.e. self-control; mastering one’s own desires and passions, including faithfulness to one’s marriage vows, as well as purity (1 Cor 7:9; 9:25; Tit 1:8; 2:5).

Paul’s final comment about the fruit of the Spirit indicates that there are no restrictions to the lifestyle indicated here. Christians can—in fact, must—practise these virtues over and over again, they will never discover a law prohibiting them from living according to these principles.

“Walk In The Light” (1Jn 1:7; Col 2:6)

“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1 Jn 1:7)

“Walk in the light.” This means to believe God’s truth, as revealed in His Word and to make a sincere and sustained effort by His grace to follow it in word and deed.

Email:mercyolumide2004@yahoo.co.uk www.thebiblicalwomanhood.com Mobile: +234 803 344 6614; +234 808 123 7987


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