The Art Of Making Decisions

It is indeed an art when you make decisions. A famous philosopher said ‘ not to choose is a choice in itself‘ and I couldn’t agree more.

So you are in a dilemma everyday of your life. To go back to bed when your alarm goes off or to go back to bed, but then that might cost you your job or grades at school.

The cause and effect of decisions you might say.

We have to live with every decision we make or we don’t make. Very few people have African parents that give them the free will to say I want to this or I don’t. They manipulate every decision you ever make in your life, so you decide to learn the art of making decisions, to be diplomatic in these decisions, to compromise and sometimes let go of what you want so you can live another day.

Should that really be the case?

You have to double check with your bosses when you’re making certain decisions, bearing in mind that the decision you have to check with them at every point is the actual reason that they hired you. So you decide to make a decision to make their vote the deciding factor at all times, and that can backfire as well.

Anybody hiring you, hired you for the skills you have, which involves making good and bad decisions if the case may be

You decide to be someone else so you can keep the relationship you’re in an when it finally surfaces, I mean, who you truly are, the deceit on your partner might be unbearable.

You don’t have to pretend with your partner. EVER!!!

You decide to be weak so you avoid trouble, you decide to be strong so you can take all that life throws at you. Point is, every decision you make would make or mar you.

But hey! At every turn, you made a decision, you decided.


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