The Guardian’s Special Focus On Nigeria’s Most Inspiring And Definitive Top CEOs In 2023: Part Three: Batch One

Lotanna Uzoka, GMD, Kennedia Group

“At Kennedia Group, our drive is to change the HR business landscape within Nigeria, Africa” – Lotanna Uzoka

With a commendable track record of driving growth, improving efficiency, and maximising profit, Lotanna Uzoka, MCIPM, FIMC, CMC, is a woman of many parts who currently sits as the Group Managing Director of Kennedia Group, which comprises Kennedia Consulting Limited (KCL) – a cutting-edge HR Professional Services Company and Kennedia Health Maintenance Organisation (KHMO) – a world-class Health Services Company. 

A highly accomplished Group Managing Director with over 20 years of experience leading and scaling businesses in a variety of industries, including tech, telecommunications, cyber security, real estate, finance, FMCG, construction, Power, Oil and Gas. Her leadership is marked by strategic acumen, innovative solutions, and a profound understanding of the Human Resources landscape, focused on spearheading transformative growth, significantly enhancing turnover and productivity, navigating diverse business environments, and delivering exceptional quality services to a range of clients, from startups to large corporations.

Committed to fostering a positive, productive organisational culture, people excellent performance, ensuring alignment with shareholder interests, and driving substantial growth, Lotanna possesses a broad range of competencies including strategic direction, business development, financial and risk management, operational excellence, and employability strategy. Her approach balances analytical skills with a visionary mindset, consistently leading teams to exceed market expectations. 

A graduate of Political Science from the University of Jos, Nigeria, Lotanna began her professional career within the banking industry at the popular United Bank for Africa (UBA), former Standard Trust Bank; and then proceeded to the Managerial role, at Iberia Airline, as the Manager of Corporate Communications. In 2007, she joined Phillips Consulting Limited, where she worked for a decade, as the Recruitment Support Manager, and as the Head of Business Development for Phillips Outsourcing, managing profit, people, process, and performance. 

Dedicated to continuous learning, creativity, and innovation, Lotanna founded the Kennedia Consulting Limited in 2016 and has remained the Managing Director/CEO till date. With a passion of maintaining relevant and impact leadership while ensuring that her values align greatly to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs), Lotanna created the Kennedia HMO, and continues along the growth trajectory. 

She is a Full Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (MCIPM), a Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC), a Certified Management Consultant (CMC), and a Full Member of the Association of Outsourcing Professionals of Nigeria (AOPN). 

Speaking on the greatest passion that pushed her far in her career, Lotanna stated that “My career path has been a very interesting journey, and I can confidently state that no one can achieve anything worthwhile career-wise, without passion. Passion often arises from within, driven by personal interests and desires. It is something you do because you genuinely love it, not necessarily because of external rewards or expectations. When you are passionate about something, you are naturally drawn to it, and the mere act of engaging in that activity or pursuing that interest becomes intrinsically rewarding. 

Passion is what draws the right people to want to learn from or work with you. It is what makes you likeable, relatable, and intriguing. My greatest passion is developing people. This passion has brought me thus far in my career. My focus is on building people, empowering people, and ensuring they have access to the tools to build their own better future. My energy grows exponentially from developing people, building ventures, growing businesses, attracting new customers, hiring new employees, motivating old employees, satisfying my clients at every interaction, and building a people-oriented and resultdriven organizational culture. I am relentlessly impatient with the status quo, and I constantly strive to surpass my personal and corporate goals year in, year out. This narrative is what we are known for at Kennedia Group, where I oversee Kennedia Consulting Limited and Kennedia Health Maintenance Organization (KHMO).”

She stressed further that “As a premier player in the Nigerian Human Capital Development and Retooling Business Industry, our level of professionalism and astuteness involved in handling our operations are unparalleled. This is because we know that, regardless of the industry, leaders play a big role in how an organization or team develops. Based on the dynamic operations at Kennedia Consulting Limited and Kennedia HMO, I strategically adopted the inclusive leadership style – the ability of a leader to create an environment that embraces diversity and ensures that all team members feel valued and included.

As an Inclusive leader, I actively seek out and appreciate diverse perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds, fostering what we now call the “Kennedia Culture” where everyone can thrive and contribute their best. Having a background understanding that diversity is not merely a buzzword but a real asset that fuels holistic creativity, innovation, and problem-solving, I ensure that my professional outlook and astuteness constantly embodies Teamwork, WOW-ing Customer Service, Innovation, Commitment and Excellence (T.W.I.C.E). This defines our core values within the Kennedia Group. Building these genuine relationships helps people feel respected, valued, and appreciated.  

That is, in an environment of respect and appreciation, everyone can be more comfortable extending themselves, taking risks, giving honest feedback, and bringing their diverse experiences and perspectives to the work. These quality relationship networks promote open communication and support an environment of inclusivity.”

On the milestones and other innovative approach that the company has brought to impact the industry in particular and Nigeria’s economy in general, the cutting-edge HR Professional informed that “Since its founding in 2016, Kennedia Group has continued to create bespoke solutions and professional business advisory services to all shareholders. Our extensive network of professional talents and consultants ensures that we have the right strategy for every problem unique to every industry. We are fast-paced, meticulous, and thorough with our approach to business headaches, extensive in our application and with each client, and unique in our approach and service. The drive to change the business landscape of the HR space within Nigeria and Africa as a whole, one business, and one professional at a time is at the forefront of all our operations. Our strategies are innovative, cutting edge, and scalable to bring services and solutions, proven to be effective in not just guaranteeing business success but eliminating complications that grow from poor planning and execution. 

As one of our people’s strategy pillars, Kennedia Group takes an innovative approach to performance management – a continuous feedback system that promotes transparency and accountability in the workplace Kennedia Group is also committed to creating an inclusive culture where employees feel valued and respected. We have employee resource groups, knowledge sharing sessions, interactive team building and bonding initiatives, company-wide book review sessions that support diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives and offer training and development programs to help employees build their DEI skills. Kennedia’s approach to flexible work arrangements appeals to employees, allowing them to balance their work and personal lives better and encouraging a highly supportive company culture.” 

In her response to what steps government needs to take to address obvious challenges in the nation’s human capital development in order to fasttrack economic development and wealth creation, the trainers’ trainer pointed out that “Poverty is a serious economic and social problem that afflicts a large proportion of the world’s population and manifests itself in diverse forms such as lack of income and productive assets to ensure sustainable livelihoods, chronic hunger and malnutrition, homelessness, lack of durable goods, disease, lack of access to clean water, lack of education, low life expectancy, social exclusion and discrimination, high levels of unemployment, high rate of infant and maternal mortality, and lack of participation in decision making. Because poverty has deleterious impacts on human wellbeing, its eradication has been identified as an ethical, social, political, and economic imperative of humankind. 

Thus, the eradication of poverty and hunger were key targets in the Millennium Development Goals that the United Nations adopted in September 2000, and continue to be a priority in the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals that the United Nations General Assembly subsequently adopted in January 1, 2016. We need to come to terms with the fact that “National prosperity is created, and not inherited!” Drawing insights from Nigeria’s National Development Plan (NDP 2021-2025), the Federal Government of Nigeria has already adopted strategic steps towards economic development and wealth creation. This is a laudable and commendable feat. This integrated and multi-sectoral development approach recognizes the multi-faceted and interlinked nature of sustainable development, which calls for interventions to be tackled simultaneously through a coordinated approach to implementing development programmes. 

To achieve this, however, the plan needs to be guided by some strategic objectives, namely, establishing a strong foundation for a concentric diversified economy; investing in critical physical, financial, science and innovation infrastructure; building a solid framework and enhancing capacities to strengthen security and ensuring good governance; and enabling a vibrant, educated, and healthy populace. If this plan is effectively and strategically implemented; by 2025, we would have achieved an average economic growth of 4.6 percent. Cumulatively, we would have lifted 35 million people out of poverty and created 21 million full-time jobs. We would have also raised revenue to GDP ratio to 15 percent as well as improve health and human capacity development of the population.” 

Concerning the toughest decision she ever made and the lessons learnt, the award-winning HR strategist explained thus: “Some decisions are so complex that you must be highly intelligent and well informed just to be unperturbed about them. Topline growth is one of those, especially when it comes to exiting an organisation you love and have worked with for almost a decade to explore the dividends of entrepreneurship – creating a new business venture. The challenges are vast, and it’s difficult to know how, or even whether, to move forward. I had mixed feelings. Should I stay or exit? Should I move on to the next big thing in my life or just remain an employee? How do I leave all my colleagues, who over the years have grown to be buddies and like my family. It was a tough decision! 

However, after a series of thought-provoking self-analysis and personal meditations, I decided to take the giant leap of moving on the growth trajectory from being an employee to being an entrepreneur. That decision finally gave birth to the Kennedia Group. Becoming an entrepreneur is, almost by definition, entering a world of uncertainty. If you are the type of person that excels in a world of uncertainties and the associated opportunities, then you will love being an entrepreneur. 

Ultimately, after Kennedia Group was borne, I began to ask myself why I didn’t metamorphize into an entrepreneur earlier. (laughs). Some people start business because they want to sustain themselves and their families. For me, it was a different ball game. I just wanted to make the world a better place and I was driven by a sense of purpose and passion of developing people, building ventures, creating valuable systems, alleviating poverty, providing job opportunities for our dear Nigerian youths, building a people-centered and result -driven organizational culture. 

So, my piece of advice to all who desire to step into the “uncertain world of entrepreneurship” is to just do it! Don’t look back! Don’t be afraid of the nay-sayers. Just roll your sleeves up and get on with it. Enjoy the journey. Have fun. Tons of it. You will need to be brave, take risks and believe in yourself. You will also need to be able to solve problems and admit when something has gone wrong. Staying positive, thinking creatively and being solution-minded are all valuable skills that will serve you well in life, as well as business.” 

Sharing her views on how Nigeria can create more award-winning CEOs, the Kennedia Group boss submitted that “As the pinnacle of leadership within organizations, CEOs play a crucial role in shaping company strategies, driving growth, and inspiring teams. I believe that when a CEO receives recognition through business awards, it reflects positively on the organization as a whole. It enhances the company’s reputation, attracts clients and investors, and creates a sense of trust and confidence in the market.”

Ajibola Bamidele, CEO, Certification Edge

AJIBOLA BAMIDELE: Leading the Charge in Bridging Knowledge Gap, Fostering Global Careers Via Certification Edge 

In the dynamic world of professional development, Ajibola Bamidele stands as a beacon of leadership and innovation. Holding an impressive array of 12 global certifications, including PSM, CBAP, PBA, ACP, GPHR, SHRM-SCP, SPHRI, PHRI, CSM, PSM1, CAP, and RMP, Ajibola Bamidele is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Certification Edge – a pioneering Nigerian global certification company dedicated to narrowing the knowledge gap in individuals and propelling them towards global career opportunities.

Bamidele’s entrepreneurial spirit extends to CEED Academy, a business consultancy firm for executive development that focuses on fortifying businesses. Under his guidance, these ventures have left an indelible mark, having assisted over 20,000 individuals in gaining global recognition in their careers. Furthermore, his strategic acumen has played a pivotal role in scaling businesses by an impressive 400% annually.

With over two decades of core experience, Bamidele’s professional journey has been nothing short of remarkable. He transitioned seamlessly across diverse career fields, from teaching and fashion designing to marketing at UBA, practicing as a medical professional, engaging in network marketing, and finally assuming the role of CEO and Managing Director of Certification Edge and CEED Academy. His journey commenced in 2005 and has been marked by breaking several milestones.

Driven by a passion to bridge the academic gap on a global scale, Bamidele addresses the challenges faced by average graduates in securing global opportunities. His firm belief in the untapped potential within Nigeria and beyond led him to establish initiatives to empower individuals, recognizing the critical link between knowledge capacity and global career opportunities. Bamidele emphasizes that “It is a flat world now; there are opportunities to live in one place and work in another. Practices in your country are not the only practices; there are standard practices globally, so I decided to bridge this knowledge gap for the betterment of Nigerians.”

Ajibola Bamidele’s success is rooted in principles that have guided him throughout his journey. He underscores the importance of the seed time and harvest, emphasizing the necessity of embracing the process in any journey. His philosophy on hard work extends beyond physical labor, advocating for constant improvement and a relentless pursuit of betterment. A staunch believer in a growth mindset, he states, “When opportunities come my way, I do not shut it down because I am not used to it. I believe I can learn, grow, and build skills that yield results.”

The CEO encourages being shameless and MAD (Make A Difference), challenging individuals to break limiting barriers in their minds to achieve greatness. Reflecting on the challenges faced during the management of his businesses, Bamidele draws strength from his humble beginnings, emphasizing the importance of looking within during challenging times.

Certification Edge focuses on up-skilling individuals for global relevance, offering courses in collaboration with international examination bodies. Specializing in human resources, business analysis, project management, and agile practices, Certification Edge not only equips individuals for career excellence but also for global relevance.

Meanwhile, CEED Academy zeroes in on entrepreneurs, recognizing their substantial impact on the economy. he believes that for businesses to thrive, the management team, sales team, and customer service must be outstanding. Highlighting the direct correlation between thriving businesses and reduced unemployment, he recalls observing Amazon advertising for hires during a recent visit to the United States, a testament to the positive effects of business success on employment rates.

In conclusion, CEED Academy’s ultimate goal is to assist entrepreneurs in making informed decisions and ensuring the thriving of their teams for the betterment of the nation. Ajibola Bamidele’s visionary leadership continues to shape the landscape of professional development, leaving an enduring legacy in the pursuit of knowledge, excellence, and economic growth.

Temitope Runsewe, CEO, Dutum Company Limited

TEMITOPE RUNSEWE: Revealing The Hidden Beauty Of Africa Through Design And Delivery Of Purpose-Built Infrastructure With Dutum Company Limited

He grew the company’s revenue by 50 percent to about $10m within three years of coming on board. Temitope Runsewe, Managing Director of Dutum Company Limited, believes that results are the only evidence of hard work. His firm commitment to goals and outcomes of well thought out processes is legendary, and being at the helm of affairs of a leading construction and engineering firm in Nigeria with a proven track record of effectively delivering diverse projects and services to a broad base of clients is a good place to prove that point. 

Before joining Dutum in 2009, Runsewe served as Business Systems Analyst (Global Client Services) and Associate (Global Commodities Group) with JP Morgan Chase, London, and in those roles he gained considerable experience and exposure with assessing and designing new business opportunities, including the understanding of key business drivers and development of business approaches. 

Since Runsewe became MD, Dutum has completed iconic projects in Africa ranging from housing estates, Hotels, business and commercial buildings, Bridges, Airport Hangers, roads etc. Clients who have come to trust Dutum Company Ltd for delivering quality projects include The World Bank, Nigerian Governments at the Federal and State levels, Real Estate Firms, Hotel Chains, Banks, and Universities. In 2012, Dutum received the award for outstanding indigenous construction company in Nigeria by the African Leadership Magazine.

The construction industry expert earned a first class Bachelor of Science degree in Computing from Richmond, American International University, and an MSc in Analysis, Design, and Management on Information Systems from the London School of Economics (LSE). Throughout his 4 years at Richmond University, Runsewe was consistently featured on the University Dean’s list and received the award for the most outstanding computer science- graduating senior in 2004. He has attended several executive programs at Lagos Business School and Harvard Business School. 


Runsewe is involved in other entrepreneurial endeavors, including Stonebricks Development and Construction Formwork and Scaffold Limited, through which he continues to contribute to the advancement of the real estate and construction industry, leveraging his expertise to drive growth and success.

He supports the Nigerian community through the Tope Runsewe Community Development Initiative, Tope Runsewe Scholarship for The Poor, The Dutum LIFT Project, and serves as the Regional Chairman (Southwest) Nigerian Young Professionals Forum.

In this interview with Tijani-Alabi Fatai on his recognition as one of The Guardian’s Fifty (50) Most Inspiring and Definitive Top CEO’s in 2023, Runsewe brings us up to speed on pertinent issues as it concerns Dutum Group, construction companies as tools for national development, challenges, amongst others.  Excerpts…..

Can you tell us the strategies you have adopted in expanding Dutum’s portfolio over the years to make it a company at the forefront of delivering excellence?

Our approach to expanding our portfolio at Dutum involves a multifaceted strategy aimed at enhancing our offerings while maintaining our commitment to excellence. Central to this strategy is the implementation of significant structural changes within our organization.

We recognized the need to streamline our internal processes and optimize resource allocation. Through careful analysis and strategic planning, we restructured our organization to create a more agile and efficient framework. This involved breaking down silos, improving communication channels, and fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. By enhancing our organizational structure, we have positioned ourselves to respond swiftly to market dynamics and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

What makes your organization unique as an engineering and construction company? 

Our uniqueness as an engineering and construction company stems from several key factors that set us apart in the industry.  Firstly, our unwavering commitment to excellence is ingrained in every aspect of our operations. We prioritize quality and excellence in everything we do, from project planning and execution to client communication and stakeholder engagement.

Furthermore, our holistic approach to project management serves as a hallmark of our organization. We provide whole construction experiences with end-to-end solutions encompassing engineering, procurement, construction, and facility management services. This integrated approach enables us to streamline processes, optimize resource allocation, and with that, we provide complete customer experience.

Dutum has continued to raise the bar of excellence through the numerous services it renders; can you highlight some of these services? 

At Dutum, we take immense pride in the diverse range of services we offer. Among these, our core focus lies in building construction and civil engineering. These services form the backbone of our operations and exemplify our commitment to delivering exceptional results. In addition to building construction and civil engineering, we also provide Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) services, as well as comprehensive facility management solutions.

How do you think we can build a stronger Nigeria through Infrastructure Development?

In the dynamic narrative of Nigeria’s economic journey, infrastructure emerges as a critical determinant of progress and prosperity. However, amidst the nation’s ambitions for growth, significant gaps in infrastructure persist, presenting formidable challenges to sustainable development and inclusive prosperity.

According to data from the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics and corroborated by the World Bank, the total infrastructure stock in the country currently amounts to only 32% of gross domestic product (GDP). This figure falls significantly short of the international benchmark of 70%, emphasizing the glaring inadequacies in Nigeria’s infrastructure framework. 

The ramifications of this deficit reverberate across various sectors of the economy. One of the most pressing challenges is the insufficient road network linking commercial centers across the vast expanse of Nigeria. Poor road infrastructure not only impedes the efficient movement of goods and services but also contributes to increased transportation costs, hindering economic activity and exacerbating inequalities. 

Additionally, Nigeria grapples with an acute shortage of affordable housing, particularly in urban settlements. The lack of adequate housing not only perpetuates urban congestion but also exacerbates social inequalities, as access to decent housing remains out of reach for many Nigerians. 

The infrastructure deficit poses a formidable barrier to Nigeria’s socio-economic advancement, thwarting its potential for growth and prosperity. Addressing these challenges is imperative to unlock Nigeria’s economic resilience and foster inclusive development for all its citizens. 

What can you say about pioneering infrastructure solutions and the role of construction companies? 

Amidst the backdrop of Nigeria’s infrastructure challenges, construction companies wield significant potential in bridging the deficit and catalysing progress. By undertaking strategic projects and implementing innovative solutions, construction companies play a pivotal role in transforming Nigeria’s infrastructure landscape and driving socio-economic development. 

At Dutum Company Limited, we recognize the pivotal role of quality infrastructure in enhancing the lives of Nigerians and propelling sustainable development. With over three decades of experience, we have positioned ourselves as a significant presence in Nigeria’s construction sector, renowned for our steadfast commitment to excellence, innovation, and social responsibility. 

Our extensive portfolio encompasses a diverse range of projects, spanning from road construction and transportation networks to educational facilities and healthcare infrastructure. Each endeavor is undertaken with an unwavering dedication to ethical construction practices, ensuring that integrity, safety, and sustainability remain paramount throughout every stage of the process. We firmly believe that by delivering infrastructure that endures the test of time and aligns with the evolving needs of society, we can contribute significantly to a brighter future for all Nigerians. 

As we continue to grow and evolve, Dutum remains resolute in commitment to its mission: revealing the hidden beauty of the African continent through the design and delivery of purpose-built infrastructure that enhances socio-economic conditions. With an enduring dedication to excellence, innovation, and social responsibility, we will continue to spearhead initiatives that reshape Nigeria’s infrastructure landscape and drive progress for generations to come.

Given the peculiarities of the Nigerian business environment, what are the challenges faced in your sector and how have you been able to overcome these challenges as an organization? 

Navigating the Nigerian business environment, especially within the construction sector, has been really challenging in recent times. One of the foremost challenges we face is the escalating prices of construction materials. To address this, we have implemented measures such maintaining close relationships with our suppliers, constantly monitoring market trends to anticipate price changes. This enables us to secure long-term contracts when possible and stay ahead of the trend, thereby stabilizing costs and minimizing the impact on project budgets. 

Inflation also gives rise to other complexities, especially when fixed contract figures are impacted by rising material costs. This scenario can create dilemmas for both clients and contractors, as the agreed-upon sum may no longer be sufficient to cover the increased expenses. To address this challenge, we prioritize proactive communication and transparency throughout the project lifecycle. We engage in open dialogue with our clients to discuss any potential impacts of inflation on project costs, ensuring mutual understanding and alignment from the outset. Ultimately, our commitment to delivering value-driven and quality structures remains unwavering, even in the face of inflationary pressures.

What are the next big things for Dutum? 

Looking ahead, Dutum Company Limited has several exciting initiatives on the horizon that will propel us into the next phase of growth and innovation. Firstly, we are embarking on massive infrastructure projects in Nigeria that will not only address critical infrastructure needs but also drive economic development and improve the quality of life for millions of people. These projects represent a significant opportunity for us to showcase our expertise and contribute to the sustainable development of our nation. 

In addition to our endeavors in Nigeria, we are also looking to expand our footprint to two other African countries. This expansion aligns with our vision of becoming a Pan-African leader in the construction industry. By leveraging our experience and capabilities, we aim to establish ourselves as a trusted partner for infrastructure development across the continent. 

Furthermore, we are forging strategic partnerships with prominent estate developers across Nigeria. These collaborations will enable us to leverage our collective strengths and resources to deliver exceptional projects that meet the highest standards of quality and innovation. Through these partnerships, we are poised to redefine the landscape of real estate development in Nigeria and beyond.

We are also exploring the introduction of new services and products within the construction space. By diversifying our offerings, we aim to meet the evolving needs of our clients and stay ahead of industry trends. Whether it’s adopting new technologies, introducing sustainable building practices, or enhancing our project management capabilities, we are committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of our operations.

Finally, we are actively seeking international partnerships to enhance our ability to deliver excellent service to our clients. By collaborating with leading firms from around the world, we can access specialized expertise, innovative solutions, and global best practices. These partnerships will further strengthen our position as a preferred partner for clients seeking world-class construction solutions.

Mohammed Bello Koko, MD/CEO, Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA)

MOHAMMED BELLO KOKO: Integrity-Driven Professional, Highly Committed Strategist, Turning the Tide At NPA

For Nigeria to attain her position of respect in the comity of nations in critical areas of economic, infrastructure and human capital development, professionals like Mr. Mohammed Bello Koko, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Nigerian Port Authority (NPA) remain one of those that the nation looks up to. Over the years, Mr. Mohammed Bello has carved a niche for himself through managerial acumen and professional dexterity in execution of his responsibilities in earlier in the banking sector and currently at the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA). 

Arguably, one of articulated Chief Executive Officers in Nigeria, Mohammed Bello has distinguished himself not only as a reputable technocrat but has also demonstrated a high degree of commitment in all his private and public dealings.

Born about fifty-five (55) years ago in Sokoto, North-West, Nigeria, the young Bello attended and completed his secondary school education at the Federal Government College, Sokoto in 1986. As a brilliant and focused student, he proceeded to the Usman Dan Fodio University, Sokoto for his Bachelor of Science (B. Sc) degree in Management Studies and Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) in 1992 and 1995, respectively. Imbued by his penchant for continuous learning, subsequently, he proceeded further to Harvard Kennedy School, USA, where he bagged an Executive Certificate in Public Leadership.

He started his professional career with FSB International Bank PLC from 1996 to 2004 and permeated all major sections of banking and functioned across several strategic portfolios including Banking Operations, Credit-Risk Management, Treasury Operations, Retail Banking and Corporate Marketing that found him in charge of Energy sector and Public sector, thus responsible for managing account of several multinational oil and gas companies, public sector relationship. 

As a highly dedicated professional with strong desire to achieve his organisation’s corporate goals, Bello Koko, later moved on to Zenith International Bank PLC in 2005, where he grew at various times to be Branch Head, Zonal Head. Public Sector and also large corporates from where his exceptional contribution to the bank’s globally acknowledged profitability and balance sheet in the period 2005 to 2015 earned him numerous awards in the organisation and a spot in the bank’s Executive Management  Team as Deputy General Manager and  Zonal Head. Having served meritoriously in the private sector, in 2016, Mr. Bello Koko was appointed by President Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR, as Executive Director Finance and Administration of the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA), a position he held with distinction and integrity till May 2021, when he was appointed Acting Managing Director of the prestigious Agency.

Indeed, his sterling performance as Ag. Managing Director evidenced by plugging of income leakages, unprecedented growth in revenue and improved operational efficiencies that led to significant increase in container traffic to Onne Port and the demonstrated resolve to open up the other Eastern Ports of Warri, Calabar and Rivers convinced the then President Muhammadu Buhari to confirm Bello Mohammed Koko as substantive Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of NPA on February 15th, 2022. 

Since his assumption as the CEO of the Authority, Mr. Bello Koko has been in the business of tackling the challenges confronting the organization and has succeeded in changing the narratives positively. In fact, the Nigerian seaports today has become the beautiful bride and preferred destinations to the Nigerian importers, and even within the West Africa sub-region.  Also, the unprecedented revenue growth and prompt remittances to the consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) of the Federal Government has proved to all and sundry that Bello Koko is a man of integrity with strong determination to contribute immensely to the growth and development of the Nigerian economy. More so, under his leadership, he has helped in the creation of new businesses and attendant job opportunities including the Barge Operations Services, which apart from reducing pressure on the roads has grown about two billion naira (N2b) business both from direct and indirect investments. 

In addition, the licensing of additional truck parks to increase capacity of trucks servicing the Lagos Ports, Licensing of over ten Export Processing Terminals (EPTs) to facilitate exports at Nigerian Sea Ports and this has helped to  provide a one-stop-shop for export where quality control, cargo assessment by all government agencies and issuance of good-to-ship  clearance will be obtained. 

Furthermore, the Enforcement of Minimum Safety Standards on tracks accessing the Port are inspected, certified and issued stickers to assure safety and sixty-five percent reduction in number of accidents recorded arising from improved standards of trucks operating within the port premises. 

Another striking achievement of this seasoned administrator and committed professional is the provision and installations of over Eighty-six (86) Buoys for Warri and Calabar Pilotage Districts, for proper channel marking and route mapping. The Authority under the leadership of Mr. Bello has also acquired Harbour Crafts (Tugboats) Pilot Cutters and Patrol Boats to eliminate delays associated with berthing and sailing of vessel and improve efficiency at the ports. Also, worthy of mention is the Dry-docking of various Marine Crafts to increase the fleet of Marine Crafts available for vessel  support operations, procurement and deployment of Security Patrol Boats (SPBs) to all Pilotage Districts to address incessant attacks of vessels along the channels and at Port water fronts. 

In line with the vision and mission statements of NPA, viz: “To be the Maritime Logistics hub for sustainable port services in Africa” and the mission “To deliver efficient port service in a safe, secure and customer friendly environment”, Bello has left no stone unturned in ensuring the achievement of this mission. Indeed, the upgrading of the Nigerian Ports Authority website to a real time fully interactve platform, as well as, upgrading the Daily Shipping Position Portal to be more user-friendly. Similarly, the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) for digitalization and exchange for effective integration of the ports statistics with National Database, are geared toward achieving this mission. 


From the foregoing, there is no gainsaying that Mr. Mohammed Bello Koko is one of Nigeria’s Most Inspiring and Definitive Top Chief Executive Officers of the year. Thus, in recognition and appreciation of his commitment and enormous contributions to economic and social-cultural development of Nigeria, Mr. Bello Koko has been honoured by many organizations and institutes within and outside the country. These include: the National Productivity Order of Merit (NPOM) Award by the Federal Government of Nigeria, Maritime ICON of the Year 2022, by Champion Newspaper. He was also honoured with Fellowship Award by Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN); Fellow of Institute of Strategic Management  of Nigeria (ISMN); A Member of the Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM) and has attended several domestic and international training courses and conferences..

Meanwhile, it is noteworthy that Mr. Bello Koko – a seasoned professional and technocrat is synonymous with value creation, is not one of those who got to where they are by whom they knew. His record of accomplishments and milestones at the Nigerian Ports Authority is a reflection of the fact that his journey to the top of his professional career has been the product of his commitment, dedication, hard work, honesty and tenacity. He is a man that is known for ethical conduct and transparency. Undoubtedly, he has worked several years in the banking sector without any stain on his records. 

Succinctly, the completion of the Lekki Deep Seaport, rehabilitation of dilapidated port accesses roads, ending port congestion and traffic gridlock on the port access roads, through the enforcement of Electronic Call-up system, the unprecedented revenue growth just to mention but a few have proved to all and sundry his determination to create more positive impact in the Nigerian economy. 

Finally, it is imperative to state that Mr. Bello Koko whose achievements and legacies speak louder than words remains a man of integrity, a catalyst of economic development, a visionary leader, an agent of positive change and a seasoned administrator. His innovativeness, pragmatic and exemplary leadership qualities, mentorship, as well as his many insightful solutions to the plight of the stakeholders continue to stand him out above his contemporaries.

Dr. Young-Tobias Eneji Ekechi, MD/CEO, First Generation Mortgage Bank Limited

YOUNG-TOBIAS ENEJI EKECHI: A Portrait of Professional Excellence, Vastly-Experienced Banker, Providing Affordable Housing Via FGMB

Notwithstanding the historical underdevelopment of Nigeria’s mortgage system attributed to economic hurdles, restricted financial access, high interest rates, stringent lending criteria and substantial down payment requirements, there are still a number of operators who stand tall. Thus, one of these outstanding drivers of the Nigerian mortgage system who has proved his mettle in the sector is Dr. Young-Tobias Eneji Ekechi, Managing Director/CEO, First Generation Mortgage Bank Limited.  A financial expert of international repute, seasoned entrepreneur and one of Nigeria’s highly cerebral professionals making innovative and immense contributions to growth of the nation’s business landscape. 

With over 23 years diverse work experience in the financial services sector, Dr. Young-Tobias Ekechi’s core competences include Project Structuring & Financing, Business Process Re-engineering, Operations and Technology, Control and Compliance, as well as Mortgage Administration. His various academic and professional qualifications include a BSc degree in Economics, Master’s in Business Administration, an MSc degree in Financial Management, as well as a PhD (Honoris Causa) in Financial Management.

A Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC), Institute of Credit Administration (FICA), Institute of Corporate Administration of Nigeria (FICAN), and an Associate of the Institute of Directors (IOD), Young-Tobias started his banking career in 1999 with Citibank before joining Access Bank Plc in 2007, ASO Savings and Loans PLC in 2008, Transitional Council Chairman of Ngor –Okpala Local Government Area of Imo State between August 2011 and July 2012, as well as First Generation Mortgage Bank Ltd in 2018.

Focused, innovative and result-oriented, the housing finance guru through FGMB has championed strategic business partnership with Nigeria Mortgage Refinance Company (NMRC) which resulted in the successful refinancing of mortgages for Nigerians. On affordable housing, Young-Tobias facilitated the packaging and processing of over 826 mortgages at a single digit interest rate (9.9%) valued at over N6 Billion through FGMB between January 2021 and December 2023,

With a strong foundation, FGMB has built trust and credibility among customers that spans several years through a long-standing presence in providing reliable mortgage services. Additionally, the bank has a personalized Mortgage Bank approach to banking, by understanding and meeting the unique needs of customers, the bank gained a reputation for reliability and attentiveness ensuring that it consistently demonstrates its commitment to customer providing innovation and tailored financial solutions to meet their specific needs. This commitment to excellent customer service has ensured the Bank stays ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving mortgage banking sector. 

In its quest to ensure better service delivery while meeting the needs of 21st Century technology, the bank has implemented advanced technologies and reliable banking infrastructure that supports strong emphasis on its operations and one that demonstrates a commitment to innovation. By leveraging technology and constantly improving its processes, First Generation Mortgage Bank has been able to offer efficient and convenient services to customers. It has established various software upgrades and integrations, including migration to a more robust core banking software, internet banking and a mobile app to enable it to satisfy its increasing customer base. 

FGMB strives to understand the unique customer needs and preferences by offering personalized solutions and guidance throughout the mortgage process. The bank’s dedicated team of professionals provides expert advice and support, ensuring that customers remain satisfied with services. This allows the bank to efficiently process mortgage applications, handle transactions and provide timely assistance to its customers. Moreover, the bank’s professionalism and ability to adapt to market changes were essential in establishing its enduring brand presence. By closely monitoring industry trends and adapting their strategies accordingly, the bank has consistently met the evolving needs of customers. 

Furthermore, First Generation Mortgage Bank has built an extensive network, collaborations and strategic partnerships with other institutions, reputable developers, builders, customers and other stakeholders and regulators alike enabling it to provide a wide range of products and services. This without doubt has enhanced its competitiveness and allowed the bank to cater to a diverse customer base.  

FGMB has contributed immensely towards bridging the huge housing deficit in Nigeria by financing over 5,000 affordable homes to resident Nigerians and those in the diaspora at a single-digit interest rate of 9.9%. FGMB, in partnership with various real estate developers, has funded over 22 housing projects.

As testimonials for some notable business achievements reflecting his exceptional career records within the past three years, the Catholic Knight of St. John International, a renowned chorister and a lover of football, has received several recognitions and awards from within and outside Nigeria. These include: Business Innovation & Excellence Special Award of Excellence in the Financial Industry 2021 by the National House Fair; “Mortgage Financier of the Year 2022” Award by the Africa Housing Awards; “Best Indigenous Mortgage Bank of the Year” – 2020 and 2021 by the National House Fair; Recognized by The Guardian as one of the “Sixty (60) Nigeria Leading Real Estate CEOs, 2022; “Mortgage Person of the Year 2022” by the Africa Housing Awards; “Most Innovative Mortgage Bank in 2021” by the Africa Int’l Housing Awards; Recognized by The Guardian as one of the “Fifty (50) Most Impactful and Award-Winning CEOs that Contributed to Nigeria’s GDP Growth in 2021”; “Most Customer-Friendly Bank in 2021” by the National Peace Awards; amongst others.

Bababode Edun, CEO, Kingford Homes

BABABODE EDUN: Dynamic Professional Per Excellence, Balancing Value, Cost In Real Estate, Through Kingsford Homes

Mr. Bababode Edun, Managing Director Kingford Homes is an astute real estate investor. He has developed an affinity with real estate since he was a boy largely because his father was a serial real estate investor.  His background in investment banking has greatly contributed to his success in the real estate sector in Nigeria and abroad. 

He obtained a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Igbinedion University, Okada and completed a master’s degree in Risk Management from Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom. He is a member of the Chartered Insurance Institute, UK, and the Institute of Risk Management, UK. He is highly articulate, smart, focused and determined in achieving his targeted goals. A great philanthropist whose future plans for youth development is to bridge the gap for young leaders to attain self-driven initiative in the development process of Nigeria.

He founded Kingford Homes to provide affordable luxury homes. Kingford and its affiliates are ranked among Nigeria’s top developers with prominent leadership in the commercial and residential real estate sector for more than 10 years. The company has attracted great records and recommendations in the real estate world as they sacrifice their time and resources into projects. Bababode is aware that for many people, purchasing a house in Nigeria is a difficult and scary process. When buyers choose agents to represent them, the agents are encumbered with huge responsibilities. He does not only understand these responsibilities, but also lives them every day as he represents his clients. Kingford provides real estate investment that is simple, profitable, and secure. He continues to find ground-breaking solutions to clients’ demands and issues while keeping an open mind with the correct teamwork attitude.

Speaking of those who have been his backbone in the industry, with their support and mentorship, Bababode affirmed that he has several mentors, the likes of Mr. Fatimileyin, the MD/CEO of Diya Fatimileyin and Co. who has been in the industry for over 30-40 years.

He spoke further “He has mentored us as a father, a leader and professional in the real estate industry. He is one of our major role models,” Bababode said. “Also, we have another great mentor that has been a good backbone and support, Chief Dr. Bisi Onasanya. A former MD and CEO of First Bank PLC, He is a father and a mentor. Another is a brother of mine, Mr. Yemi Edun, a great backbone. There are a lot of them but another that I am going to mention is a special man, very detailed – Mr. Dan Ngerem, a great and go-to man. These are major mentors to mention a few that have guided us, protected us and mentored us.”

When speaking on professionalism, Bababode who has demonstrated professionalism per excellence in his dealings, is of the view that a city without rules has no crime. In his words, “There are rules regulations and we all know this. Apart from the fact that the organisation sets rules, we also come together to add to or subtract from the rules so we are all in agreement on the rules and regulations guiding the organization and what has to be done professionally must be done professionally.”

As a key stakeholder in real estate sector, he mentioned that the same factors that affect every day transaction also affect the real estate sector such as inflation, lack of industrialization of most of the raw materials that are being used. He emphasized on the need for government to ensure that raw materials used are produced in the country. 

When speaking on the housing deficit in Nigeria, he noted that “We have a lot of complaints from our customers about the mortgage rates which is 20-25% interest. This is extremely high. The government should find a way to work with mortgage companies and lending companies to provide support for individuals that meet the criteria to request for mortgage which should be single digit because there is nowhere in the world where we have double digits mortgage rate. The housing deficit is crazy, we have 28 million housing deficits and I do not know how we can overcome that. Everybody who’s working and making some money is expected to be able to afford a house by mortgage. These are the ways you can easily reduce housing deficits.”

As a passionate CEO about growth and mentorship, the Kingford Homes’ boss stated in clear terms that he has been mentoring young agents for the past five years with whom he transacts.  “Like they say, if you walk alone, you go far but if you work in a group, you go farther,” 

He advised aspiring CEOs thus “What you put is what you will get. Those who are working and putting in all efforts haven’t seen results, not to talk about you that are not putting any effort. The more effort you put, the more you get and you need to be prayerful.”

Chief Dr. Chika Emenike, Chairman/CEO, Tummy-Tummy Foods Industries Limited

CHIKA EMENIKE: Distinguished Industrialist, Creating Job Opportunities, Outstanding Philanthropist, Promoting Food Security, Impacting National Economy

Chief Dr. Chika Emenike, Founder, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Kotec Group of Companies is a strong and determined personality, never relenting on his quest for ground breaking achievements. The decision of attaining a degree at a later age to further develop his intellectual capacity was a drive to self-development surmounting all barriers. He had his early education in Urualla and Nnewi in the 1980s and in 2020, he went further to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics at the Novena University, Delta State. 

Chief Emenike’s trading experience started thirty years ago with the start of Chitec Motors Nigeria Ltd. As a determined and growth-oriented person, he geared his passion for business into the establishment of Kotec group of companies limited, incorporated in 2001 as a holding company. 

His business acumen is highly commendable with the growth of his other subsidiary companies which includes , Kotec Industrial company Ltd. –Trading on motorcycle spare parts,  O’xtophers International Company Ltd –Trading on general goods, Target Automobile Company Limited–Manufacturers of target automobile spare parts,  Event Beverages Ltd.–Manufacturers of Event table water, Tummy-Tummy Foods Industries Limited -Manufacturers of Tummy-Tummy Instant noodles, Kotec Brick Tiles Ltd.–Manufacturers of Kotec Brick Tiles, Kotec Aco Board Ltd, Regime Gas Company Ltd. ,Rento Hotel & Suites Ltd., Mangrove Delicious Foods Ltd and Surefit Services Ltd.

Chief Chika, an illustrious business man started a noodles company, Tummy tummy, in 2009. The demand for the noodles has grown over the years with the opening of production lines to meet daily demands.  With the introduction of unique flavoring spices, it attracted huge response in the market. Speaking on the position tummy-tummy food industries is working to attain in the next few years, Chief Chika hinted that the brand will “become a major player in the food industry in Nigeria especially in the South East”

Kotec Group has played its part in nation building by granting employment opportunities to over three-hundred thousand Nigerians in his factories and trading outfits. Chief Chika has helped several individuals in the establishment of their business by providing financial assistance and linking them to his foreign partners. One of his admirable traits is sponsoring and empowering projects and programs of organisations, groups and individuals who have ideas planned out without the financial capacity to execute them.

As a devoted Christian, he built St. Michael’s Catholic Church Urualla which was dedicated by Bishop Augustine Ukwuoma, Catholic Bishop of Orlu Diocese on 27th November 2021. Chief Dr. Chika Emenike belongs to so many religion associations among which is the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement of Nigeria. He is also the patron of so many other associations. 

Being a person of social prominence, he belongs to many clubs and associations among which are: Diamond Fitness Club, Lagos, Owerri Sports Club, Nnewi Sports Club, Kotec Warriors Sports Club, amongst others.

Kotec company has provided impactful social responsibility over the years with outstanding focus on poverty alleviation. During the 2012 flooding in Anambra and Imo states, the company provided support with food and materials to communities ravaged by flood. Also, during the 2020 covid-19 pandemic, food items were distributed to Anambra and Imo states as palliative. Other noticeable contributions are the empowerment of the disabled and widows in the communities, pipe borne water and road construction, the building of Urualla civic center project and the administrative block at the permanent site of Nnamdi Azikiwe university teaching hospital, Nnewi.

In recognition of his immense contribution, Chief Chika Emenike has received several awards and titles both locally and abroad, Starting with the black legend African Achiever – Ghana 2009 , EGPDF-Guinness African Industrialist of the year – Ghana 2012. Best SME entrepreneur – Central Bank of Nigeria 2011. Community Service Award – Rotary International District 9140, Award of International Peace Advocate – UN POLAC 2014, Standard Organisation of Nigeria Award – 2015, Industrialist Award – Panthers Sports Club – 2015, Award from the Armed Force Command and Staff College JAJI – 2020 ,Chieftaincy title of Ojichukwu Nnewi by Igwe Nnewi in Council, Chieftaincy title of Iheadikanwanne by Eze Umueshi in Council , Award of the National Productivity Order of Merit by His Excellency; Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR, former President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria – 2022 and the Honorary Doctorate Degree in Business Administration, Imo State University Owerri, February 2023.

Speaking on his innovations and impressive management practices in handling these numerous companies, he noted that he has been able to achieve this by Keeping watchful eyes on expenditure and always seeking alternative solutions to problems. In his words, “Customer-focused mindset in the design, development, production and marketing of our products including after sales management coupled with the effective use of indigenous engineers in solving engineering problems in our organizations. Also, by Placing more value on staff talent and retention. Talented staff is the key to business survival.”

While pinpointing some of the challenges in the industry and how government can address the issues, the Kotec Group boss called for harmonization of taxes and levies payable to states and removal of multiple taxations to manufacturers. This will reduce the tax burden and cost of manufactured goods.

He added that “There should be genuine support to manufacturers by way of cheap funding and provision of infrastructures like good roads and rail network and improvement of the power sector especially expansion of gas pipeline projects to manufacturing hubs. Government should encourage local production of goods by banning the importation of goods that can be manufactured locally.”

Phanuel Lawrence, CEO, Greenpeak Shelters Limited

PHANUEL LAWRENCE: A Real Estate Disruptor, Committed To Making Greenpeak Shelters A Firm For All Seasons 

He is a dynamic manager with disruptive ideas whose professional engagements have provided innovative solutions to complex business challenges in the real estate sector. Phanuel Lawrence, the Chief Executive Officer of Greenpeak Shelters Limited, is not only a serial entrepreneur, he has guided many people towards achieving their set goals as a seasoned business coach and mentor of exceptional caliber.

Beyond managing the integrity-driven real estate company, he is holding influential positions on the boards of several companies, including Ozaz Power Company, Greenpeak Energy Services Ltd, NEXUS Multipurpose Cooperative Society (NMCS), and the Halima Gimbiya Foundation (HGMF). 

Driven by his desire to surpass his father’s achievement, he pursued his dream with determination and the right principles. According to him, “I grew up assisting my father in his business. Although, my father is from Taraba State, he had the Iboman business mentality and he wanted me to succeed him in his business. After my secondary school education, I was at home for six years doing business with him. Notwithstanding the fact that my family business was flourishing, I was feeling a void in me because I knew I have a higher purpose to fulfil in life beyond what I was doing in the village. 

Subsequently, I decided to further my education without my dad’s approval and support. I proceeded to the University of Jos where I did a Diploma in Theatre Arts, and that laid the foundation for other trainings and certificates that I have obtained. I later came to Abuja in search of opportunities, and after years of putting my vision to work, Greenpeak Shelters was birthed on July 15, 2016. I chose the path of entrepreneurship because I saw the time and financial freedom it gave my father.”  

Established in 2016, Greenpeak Shelters, under Phanuel’s leadership is combining excellent services with tailor made solutions for unique real estate experience. Mshel Homes is building an enviable corporate reputation by making its clients realty dreams a reality. With each design, each concept and building, be it a new home, an apartment, or a unique office space, the company tells a story that resonates with the clients and the society. In testament to his managerial competence, the integrity-driven company has been acknowledged for introducing contemporary designs, smart homes and a suitable real estate investment platform within the city of Abuja. 

In pursuit of its corporate mission, the Phanuel Lawrence-led company is primarily focused on planning, designing and overseeing the development of new real estate project, offering expert advice on real estate matters, market trends and investment strategies, and it offers real estate education and training. In testament to its continuous corporate growth, the Abuja based firm has the Grace Estate, Karshi, Nasarawa, Rainbow Estate and Brookville Estate, Asokoro Extension, Abuja amongst its projects, and it is handling the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Staff Housing Project, located in Apo – Kabusa, FCT. 

Known for his meticulous attention to detail, Phanuel is dedicated to surpassing client expectations, and he is leading a dedicated team of professionals towards providing excellent solutions. Proud of Greenpeak Shelters’ impactful journey, he attributed the company’s achievements to sheer hardwork, teamwork, innovation, and adaptability. In his words, “The Nigerian business environment has been very tough; inflation has continued to be on the rise, amidst rising insecurity, high cost of funds and infrastructural challenges. We have sufficient economic policies, but the implementation has been very poor, and that is why we are where we find ourselves now.

However the challenges may be, for us at Greenpeak Shelters, we have continued to be relevant because we look for opportunities in these challenges. We are focused on value creation rather than just building houses. Our approach is not just to provide houses for people to buy and live in, we guide our clients towards creating wealth from the properties they acquire. Not every property is an asset, so our approach is looking beyond shelter, because we have been focused on value creation, and that is what makes us thick. We are big on investment because we are looking at housing from value creation, not just as personal shelter. Hard work and teamwork have really helped us, these can’t be substituted. Also, we have continued to evolve and adapt. Our adherence to these corporate principles has made us a reputable real estate firm for all seasons.”

OLAJUMOKE ODUWOLE: Designing Innovation and Excellence to Future Generations With KJK Africa

Olajumoke Oduwole, CEO, KJK Africa and Alajo App; is a woman of substance and destiny. She is emblematic of a self-made amazon who early in life identified what she wanted to be and went out for it. The story of her life is unique in the fact that it teaches that man is a product of his mind. As a creative and highly resourceful woman she is an apostle of the saying that “if you conceived it, you can do it.”

There is no gainsaying that this young woman has registered her name amongst great women-achievers and has also shown that she is not somebody to be ignored when the roll is called for experts of international repute in the Nigeria tech space. 

A Technical Product Developer, digital transformation expert, and a Forbes 30 under 30 award recipient, Olajumoke, obtained a B.Sc. and M.Sc in Systems Engineering from the prestigious University of Lagos and she has over fifteen years’ experience in tech, having developed the expertise and experience to help non-tech businesses venture into the tech space with ready to market products and services. 

Olajumoke’s experiences are acknowledged and recognized globally, which is a testament to her dedication to excellence and innovation. Earlier this year, she received a special invitation from the lovely and brilliant Dr. Ngozi Okonji Iweala, WTO, Director-general, at the World Government Summit 2023, to speak on Opportunities for Africa arising from Digital Trade at the World Government Summit, a Summit that took place in Dubai, UAE. she was also accepted into the Women Founders Africa’s Inaugural Edition of Google for Startups Accelerator in Africa. Recently, Alajo was selected as Top 200 Startups in the world, at the TechCrunch StartUp Battlefield in Sans Francisco and AIm High, Amazon’s AI BootCamp Female Founders across Europe, Middle East and Africa; amongst other prestigious selections.

Under her leadership, KJK Africa, was chosen to represent Africa as one of the 20 of over 5,000 business applications in Africa, at the “Bocconi for Africa” Conference by Universita Bocconi, Milan, Italy. I have been trained on Entrepreneurship and Business Management in Nine (14) Topnotch Accelerator programs and enterprise development centers in Africa, North America and Europe. 

Talking about KJK Africa, she said the company is one of Nigeria’s leading Software Design and Development Company that delivers end-to-end software product engineering services to help corporate organizations and government agencies improve productivity and scale revenue. According to her, KJK Africa build to satisfy a strong market demand and has helped its clients make about $20million in revenue since 2018.

She stressed that KJK Africa will continue to deliver value through its core services which includes; Research and Know-Your-Product Services, Research and Know-Your-Product Services, Product Development Services, MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Solutions, Software Engineering services, Product maintenance and Product rescue.

On challenges facing the I.T Sector, the KJK boss, disclosed that Unavailability of steady power supply, high rent, logistics challenges, dearth of experienced tech talent, and fluctuating FX are some of the challenges experienced by businesses in the I.T sector. Saying that KJK Africa has reduced the impact by running a decentralized work system, which allows team members to meet physically as needed, an approach that allows KJK Africa to provide customers and potential customers some rebate in service fee without reducing the quality of our service delivery or commitment.

She maintained that the Nigerian business landscape has been experiencing an economic contraction, reducing the purchase power of company’s who want to digitally transform their business or develop an enabling software to deliver services to customers efficiently but KJK Africa’s flexible payment options and product development partnership plans allow businesses to build their technology at a reasonable cost.

Olajumoke who attained success through dynamism, ideas, hardwork and determination, she therefore disclosed that since its inception, KJK has had steady and meaningful growth, as they have currently set sights on becoming a major player in Nigeria and Africa’s tech space – the IBM of Africa in 10- 20 years. “We can achieve this goal through hard work, diligence, and determination. In the end, KJK will be a symbol of innovation and excellence to the future generation of Africans.”

She noted that “For the next five years, we will be focusing significant resources towards developing proprietary SAAS products to enable Nigerian and African businesses deliver services to their consumers conveniently and swiftly. These products will provide a tangible solution to problems faced by growing businesses. Companies in Nigeria have a high failure rate due to several reasons, which includes slow adoption of technology, unavailability of funding, hostile operating environment, high cost of operation, poor understanding of the market. I plan to position KJK as the IBM of Africa, expanding through partnerships with talents and business experts in Africa.”

Adetokunbo Adeshile MD, Aril Technologies Limited

ADETOKUNBO ADESHILE: Gifted,  Resourceful Engineering Guru, Uplifting Aril Technologies To Global Recognition

Adetokunbo Adeshile is the Managing Director of Aril Technologies Limited, an engineering and technical services provider dedicated to providing top quality industrial solution and products to her numerous clients in Nigerian power, energy, oil & gas, infrastructural and manufacturing/production industry which has strong technical alliances with leading international companies in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and other parts of the world.

Born in Lagos State to the family of the Late Deacon Michael and Late Mrs. Abiodun Adeshile, the young Adeshile had his primary school education at St. Agnes Primary School, Sabo, Yaba. He had his secondary school education at Egan Grammar School, Egan, Igando. He went ahead to obtain a degree in Mechanical Engineering at the prestigious Lagos State University. He is proficient in Automation & Control, (SCADA, DCS, PLC, RTU, HMI), Instrumentation and Control, Metering/Custody transfer, Calibration and re-certification and Project Management. He possesses requisite expertise in NIPEX tendering/bidding documentation, Front-End Engineering Design (FEED), Detailed Engineering Design (DED), HSE and Project Quality Control and Assurance. 

Adetokunbo Adeshile is a cornucopia of ineffable virtues, repository of complex ability, paragon of excellence and a bastion of moral rectitude. His profound academic brilliancy, extreme tact, enormous resourcefulness and unquenchable penchant for impeccable credentials have earned him enviable feats of being a member of different Professional bodies as well as being a recipient of different certifications, few among which are: Adroit-Mitsubishi Electric SCADA Factory Automation in South Africa, Isoil Impianti terminal automation and flow metering solutions in Italy, ISA CA (International Society of Automation Certificate and Professional Member Certificate), Rockwell Automation Control systems in UAE, Instrumentation Design and Implementation; by IHRDC, Project Management Professional, Helicopter Underwater Escape Training by Falck Prime Atlantic (HUET) approved by OPITO, Nigerian Institute of Safety Professional (SPDC ACCREDITED), Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training and Electrical Safety Authorization, NFC 18 510 French Standard.

After working with reputable indigenous Oil & Gas service company, and an Exploration & Production (E&P) company where he managed the company’s offshore Oil & Gas FSO and production rig platform, Adetokunbo Adetokunbo joined his partners, Ajibola Olabintan and Olabanji Oladapo to found Aril Technologies Limited. His dint of hard work, unparalleled integrity, administrative prowess and debonair charisma led to his ascendancy to the zenith position of the Managing Director of Aril Technologies Limited.

A man of complex abilities, Aetokunbo is a precocious, gifted and assiduous young man. He is a visionary leader and a prominent figure in Nigeria’s engineering solutions landscape, known for his exceptional technical skills, leadership skills and innovative approach to business management.

As the Managing Director of ARIL Technologies Limited, he has spearheaded the company’s growth and success, steering it through challenges and driving it towards greater heights of achievement. With a keen understanding of the complexities of the business environment and engineering solutions gap in Nigeria, Adeshile has demonstrated remarkable acumen in navigating the company through turbulent economic times. 

Despite facing headwinds such as weakened economic development, increased inflation, and lingering security issues, he has successfully led ARIL Technologies Limited to maintain operational effectiveness, efficiency, and visibility in the market. Adeshile’s leadership philosophy revolves around building and maximizing the potential of Nigerian local content, fostering emotional intelligence, and promoting critical decision-making. 

He believes in the power of mentorship, coaching, and up-skilling to empower his team members and drive organizational success. Under his guidance, ARIL Technologies Limited has cultivated a culture of innovation, resource management, and excellence, enabling the company to achieve its goals and objectives even in the face of adversity addressing several pertinent issues facing the business sector in Nigeria, with focus on the oil and gas as well as manufacturing industries. 

The oil and gas industry are facing challenges such as technical expertise, pipeline vandalization (security threat), transparency and regulatory environmental complexities. In solving most of these challenges, Adeshile has led the successful delivery of SCADA projects for better transparency and visibility to oil and gas products. He has led the successful delivery of Pipeline Intrusion and leak detection projects, as well as access control and cathodic protection systems on pipeline projects. He has led the successful completion of several oil and gas servicing projects which also involves training in order to reduce technical expertise skill shortage.

In a challenging economic environment marked by declining GDP growth and increased inflation, he has implemented strategic reforms to adapt to changing market dynamics and ensure the company’s resilience. By embracing innovation, prudent management of resources and effective problem-solving, Adeshile has positioned ARIL Technologies Limited as a frontrunner in the engineering technology sector, driving sustainable growth and contributing to the stability of the nation’s economy.

Adetokunbo Adeshile’s remarkable accomplishments as the Managing Director of ARIL Technologies Limited underscore his status as one of Nigeria’s most inspiring and definitive top Chief Executive Officers. His leadership, innovation, and commitment to excellence have not only propelled the company to greater heights but have also contributed significantly to the growth and stability of Nigeria’s economy. 

As he continues to inspire and empower others in the business community, Adeshile remains a beacon of charismatic leadership and integrity, deserving of recognition and accolades for his invaluable contributions.


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