Unlock your limitations – Part 1

John Okene

There are certain things in life that tend to limit a man from manifesting his true potentials. Such things are often within his control and except he unlocks them, he cannot achieve his expectations in life. In our Bible text, Gen. 12:1-3, Abraham had lived all his life in the comfort and affluence of his father’s house unknown to him that his state was a far cry from God’s original intention for him. He was ordained to be so blessed that through him all the nations of the earth would be blessed. This could not have been achieved within the confines of his father’s house. It is the case with so many people in life today. I pray for you that whatsoever has locked you today will be unlocked in Jesus’ name.

God told Abraham three things and the first of them was that he should get out of his country. This means, he should leave his environment. God might be speaking to you too to leave a particular location for another. If you are sure of His voice and leading, then move by faith.

Abraham was not told specifically where he was going to, as at the time he left home but God gave him a picture of what he was set to do for him. The second instruction God gave to him was that he should leave his kindred; this refers to his association. You are a reflection of the people you associate with. If all your friends are poor, for instance, you will be automatically poor and if all of your friends are uneducated, there is a limit to how far you can go academically.

Thirdly, God told him to leave his father’s house and this refers to his foundation. He and his father, Terah, were from a family of idol worshippers. They worshipped the moon god called “Naana” or “Murdurk” which was the head of all others gods in the land of Ur in Chaldees, now modern Iraq (Josh. 24:2). God wanted to give Abraham a new foundation that will not limit his destiny.

Abraham had his struggles in life. He left his environment and foundation, but carried his kindred along. He went with Lot, his brother’s son and Terah, his father, who later died. God wanted Abraham to go through a process until he became perfect before He would start blessing him (Gen 17:1).

Whatever situation you find yourself today, God might just be taking you through a process to prepare you for your next level. If you check around properly and make a rethink, you will understand where your needless pains and struggles are emanating from. Are you in the right environment where God can bless you? Is the environment favourable for your business, career, ministry and family? Again, check your association, it can place a great limit on every aspect of your life. Finally, just as the foundation of a building determines the kind of structure it can carry, so your foundation determines how far you can go in life. The power to unlock your limitation is in your hands.
Prayer Points
• Every evil hand holding me down in the spirit realm from rising, be broken in Jesus’ name.
• O Lord, reveal to me your purpose for my life in Jesus’ name.
• Father, I receive power today to break out of every association that will hinder me from rising up in life.
• Every organised witchcraft gang against my life, scatter by fire in Jesus’ name.
• Household powers resisting my progress or oppressing me, your reign is over, in the name of Jesus, die.
• By Reverend John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State.dtimchurch@gmail.com.Prayer line: +2348135952623



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