Versatile Ways To Style The Gele

Versatile Ways To Style The Gele

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and her trademark head tie recently set off an online challenge that saw social media users styling head ties like the new WTO boss.

Head ties are common in many countries in Africa, although how it is styled varies between regions or countries.

Versatile Ways To Style The Gele

The Gele, a type of head tie worn primarily by women in Nigeria, in West Africa. It is usually rather large and ornate, and as a result, associated with ceremonial wear rather than day-to-day usage.

However, some women also wear smaller, less formal Gele for everyday activities.

Versatile Ways To Style The Gele

The beauty of Gele is that they can be worn any way you please, making them a very versatile garment.


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