Victory over temptation – Part 2


Great temptation comes after a major victory, so, you must be very careful. When Jesus was baptised, there was a mighty release of God’s presence accompanied by a divine introduction and public affirmation of his identity. It was, indeed, a glorious occasion and shortly after this event, he embarked on a 40-day and a 40-night fast in preparation for his ministry. The way was set, but then the devil appeared the scene. A man is often more vulnerable to attacks and temptation after victory because he tends to drop his guard and be more relaxed in the spirit of celebration of the victory.

As a man of God or minister of the gospel you must be mindful of the activities you engage in immediately after a successful ministration or major programme. That may not be an appropriate time to attend to counselling needs of members, especially of the opposite sex. Studies have shown an increasing rate of libido level at such a time, which predispose a lot of ministers to great temptation. If there are pressing counselling needs that most be attended to, then do it in the company of your spouse or a trusted and mature believer.

In 1 Samuel 30:1-6, David returned from a major victory in battle only to see that his family and all the women in the city had been kidnapped. A victory that would have brought celebration and rejoicing to everyone, resulted in weeping.

The devil is never happy to see God’s children rejoice and so you should be more prayerful whenever you experience victory. Satan operates in three ways when he wants to tempt a man. First of all, he appeals to the flesh.

He knows that Jesus had fasted for long and needed food because he was hungry. The devil tempted Jesus by appealing to his appetite, he looks out for your weak point at every instance. He said if Jesus was truly the Son of God, then he should turn the stone to bread. Again, this is temptation of his identity, but Jesus said he does not need to turn stone to bread to prove that he is truly the Son of God.

The word of God says that we are created in the likeness of God, this means to function like God. Do not let any man confuse you, as Eve was deceived in the Garden. Know your identity and your place in Christ. Things may be difficult all around you today, but never give in to temptation. Arm yourself fully with the knowledge of the word of God to counter every lies and deception that is thrown at you daily.

May God give you total victory and frustrate every works of darkness around you in Jesus’ name.
Prayer Points
• Father, I thank you for all the battles you have been fighting for me and the victories delivered.
• Father as I pray now, any agent planted at my point of celebration to contaminate my joy with sorrow, die by fire.
• Father, build a wall of fire around me in my time of weakness against my enemies in Jesus’ name.
• Oh Lord, as you grant me victory this year, help me to be sensitive to the devices of the devil in Jesus’ name.
• Father, grant me grace to live continually an overcomer’s live in Jesus’ name.
• Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta Prayer line: +2348135952623



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