Virtual Tours: Corporate Teams and Bonding Event

Today, virtually all corporate organisations – both small and big – have facilities that enable remote work. This means that without seeing face-to-face, organisations have adapted to the new normal. The increasing preference for remote work by many workers also makes it inevitable for teams not to have provisions for remote work.

So to preserve company culture, observe work policies, and encourage team bonding, some organisations have implemented certain measures, such as the use of video conferencing tools and the hosting of regular workshops. But one of the most effective ways for organisations to bond and catch up is virtual tours.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, corporate teams used physical activities, such as workout sessions, beach hangouts, and picnics to create fun times and encourage bonding among team members. Today, the story has changed dramatically, thanks to virtual tours. Not only can companies cut back on costs, but they can also give their employees the most thrilling bonding experience through virtual tours.

Virtual Activities that Improve Team Bonding
For virtual team-building activities, here are some ideas that can help any organisation strengthen its company culture and improve employee engagement. The activities listed below are 100% virtual and do not require any physical participation, yet they have proven to be effective in helping teams bond.

  • Virtual tours of different locations
  • Online Office Games
  • War of the Wizards
  • Tea vs Coffee
  • Guess the Emoji Board
  • Petri
  • tiny campfire
  • Storytelling Workshops
  • Arm’s Reach Show & Tell
  • “Can You Hear Me Now?”
  • NATO Alphabet
  • Video Recaps
  • Icebreakers
  • Five Finger Showdown
  • Virtual Tours

As one of the virtual activities that corporate bodies can engage in, virtual tours are the ideal alternatives for physical activities like beach hangouts, office parties, and picnics. In fact, employees who have been looking for opportunities to travel to tourist sites and relax their nerves have the opportunity to do so virtually.

The increasing number of virtual travel companies, like Globetrotter VR, make it amazingly easy for people from different places to experience their dream tourist destination through immersive and interactive virtual tours. There’s also the option of using a tour guide, which makes it very similar to actual tours.

Why Virtual Tours are Great Activities for Remote Teams
Since the start of the pandemic, lots of companies have been forced to adopt a remote style of working. Even as the effect of the pandemic is wearing off, many of them have decided to stay remote, as it seems to be more profitable compared to running physical offices.

While this is great — especially for employees who commute over long distances to work — it does have its downsides. For instance, the lack of physical interaction can begin to take a toll on some employees. In light of this, here are some ways remote teams can benefit from virtual tours.
No need to buy tickets:
So many employees who really wanted to visit some places before the pandemic, do not need to cancel or postpone anymore. With a team virtual tour, organizations do not need to buy plane tickets or bus tickets to give employees a thrilling tourist experience. From the comfort of their homes, everyone can virtually visit their dream locations all at a fraction of the cost.

Virtual tours help teams to bond:
With the advent of remote work, one of the best ways remote employers and organisations can build team spirit and promote a healthy work culture is by going on remote tours. When looking to improve employee bonding and promote employer-employee relationships, remote teams can use immersive virtual tour experiences to create memorable moments that help to bridge communication gaps.

Virtual tours are available on multiple devices:
The future is indeed here! With the proliferation of mobile devices and software today, it is near impossible for certain things not to be done. Most companies offering virtual tours have enabled the service on different kinds of devices, ranging from smartphones to tablets and desktop computers.

Essentially, with an internet-enabled device, anyone from anywhere can participate in a virtual tour. Team members who have not interacted for so long can catch up and have fun together.

It is a good way to improve workers’ productivity:
According to some observations, socialising and physical interactions can improve the productivity of workers. But this can be a challenge for remote teams. Luckily, this challenge can be overcome through virtual tours. Team members get a good chance to socialise a bit more than before.

There’s also the added benefit of improving employee engagement and worker’s productivity at work.

While I Round Up
Bearing in mind that remote teams need to stay constantly bonded, motivated, and performing at their best, a good way for organisations to achieve this is through virtual tours and other virtual team-building activities.


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