Walk the work

Elegance does not exist without a fitting walk, which of course is better done with the right shoes.
So, if you’re all dressed up for work in that beautiful outfit without an appropriate pair of shoes, it’s as good as not being dressed at all. Why?
This is because shoes are the basis of sophistication that set the tone for your outfit, hence the need to wear appropriate shoes to the office.
A good pair of shoes not only adds to your fashion appeal, they help you create a perfect look.
Corporate Shoes
The fact that shoes are what essentially dictate the elegance of whatever outfit you chose to wear to the office, it is important to wear shoes that not just elevate your outfit but also help you walk comfortably and smartly while you work. A walking shoe should be fairly lightweight and provide good shock absorption to avoid leg injuries.

How to walk elegantly
• Keep your head up when you’re walking.
• Focus on standing tall with your chin parallel to the ground and your ears aligned above your shoulders.
• Lengthen your back.
• Keep your shoulders down and back.
• Swing your arms
• Step from heel to toe.



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