When branding is everything for Inksnation

Mr. Ademuyiwa Wasiu Segun, Mrs. Queen Oluwaseun Shodunke, Director General of Lagos State, Inkrest Amos Omotade-Sparks Sewanu, Universal Daddy Inks; Mr. Sanni Rotimi Johnson, Secretary General of Lagos State and Samuel Richard Babajide, Deputy Director General, Lagos State at the media briefing of Inksnation

Branding, by its simple definition, is a marketing practice in which a company creates a name, symbol or design that is easily identifiable as belonging to the company. This helps to identify a product and distinguish it from other products and services.

Brand strategists say it is important because not only does it make a memorable impression on consumers but also it allows your customers and clients to know what to expect from your company.

This, exactly, is what Inksnation did in December 2020 to create awareness for the non-governmental organisation, whose mission is to promote love, peace, oneness and equitable distribution of wealth.

As a small business, you may be competing against big brands with devoted customers and unlimited marketing budgets. That’s why you have to find ways to stand out — with a solid brand building process of your own.

Aside from bags of rice, frozen food and other items that members got free of charge, the organisation used opportunity provided by the Yuletide to distinguish itself from competitors, but also to clarify what it offers that makes it a better choice.

For many who are still wary of crypto currency, the brand provided a reason for customers to shun Bitcoin and Litecoin and settle for Pinkoin, which is said to be a Nigerian product.

There are two important types of crypto currency. Namely, the market base and the user base crypto currency. Financial experts determine market base crypto like Bitcoin and litecoin.

The user base is the one whose growth is determined by the growth and increase of human beings. Since they know that human beings are asset. It’s a block chain, and every 180 human beings are worth $1 at every minute.

The organisation provided so many points for exchange of food items with your pin card as the only access to getting these items.

And trust Nigerians, they came out in large numbers, which was all Inksnation needed in its move to get 16 million registered members.

According to Omotade Smart Sewanu, founder of Inksnation, “it is not a Ponzi scheme or financial institution. It is a decentralised autonomous organisation, and we look at it, as we have seen people in other countries, even in the United Arab Emirates talking about Universal Basic Income because Artificial Intelligence will take away lots of jobs.”

He said, “there is already massive unemployment, so, Universal Basic Income is necessary. It is the income based on human assets, and human assets tokenisation is based on value. We understand what tokenisation means, even though this is the first of its kind. Human beings have tokenised gold, real estate and certificates. If we as humanity give value to all these things, then why can’t we tokenise the valuer itself? The valuer gives value to every other thing.”

Sewanu said, “when you join the block chain, you are worth $800,000. With each tokenisation, you are to receive 0.04 per cent of your tokenisation every month for life and that is about $320 every month.”

In order to exhaust your $800,000, it will take 165 years to exhaust. It means that it will cover your lifetime and still remain.”

So, the end result is that we are changing the financial system from a debt-based system into one that is full of abundance.”

“As an NGO, we don’t encourage donations, donations come once in a blue moon but the most important is that people bring money to register to become members and the good part about it is you can become a member through other members. So, most of the membership is done through already registered members, not directly to the company so members bring in new members and we have bronze, silver gold and diamond plans for now and other higher plans which have to do with people motivating or inspiring or paying for people.”


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