Why the trend is tilting towards mobile LED billboard


The Chief Executive Officer of Advertange, an outdoor advertising firm, Mr. Akin Adelegan has said that the new trend in outdoor advertising is tilting towards the use of mobile LED billboards.

According to him, this trend is because of the better value it brings on broad among which are the flexibility in field deployment and cheaper cost.

Adelegan said that in realization of this trend and wanting to meet the yearnings of the market made his organization into import about eight mobile LED outdoor trucks for would be clients use.

“The mobile LED outdoor advertising is a child of necessity because the industry is evolving and the latest technology in terms of outdoor is LED. People are fed up of just seeing the static billboard; they want something that could retain much of the attention.”

He stated that the glistering clarity has also endeared the mobile LED billboard to many as it is a must see when passing by because it has a captivating tendencies.

“What we had before now is the static LED but the challenge in that is that they are fixated in one location and it is not every route you can put static billboard. It is restricted to some highways and the cost of constructing them, getting approval from the Ministry of Environment, LASAA, FERMA, the process of constructing those giant LED boards is a bit cumbersome.

“There are instances where some have even collapsed. There are instances it takes many months to complete. It is not a pick and go thing. It is intensive and when you have maintenance issues, the whole thing has to be shut down.

“We felt that there is vacuum, people want LED, but it cannot be in all location, that was why we started introducing the mobile LED platforms. It is a big screen and you can take it everywhere, big markets and different locations.

While Adelegan stated that his organization is not the pioneer of the mobile LED outdoor billboard in Nigeria, he is out to provide mobile LED billboard that has cutting edge advantage over others already available.

“We wanted an edge in the area of LED, we brought in the one with sight and sound. Ours come with five thousand waltz speakers, bigger screen and it is elevatable too.

“What we are saying is that apart from using it as a static medium, where you can just put ordinary billboard, it could serve as something that could be used for brand campaign, road shows; slot in the video, anywhere the truck gets to, it will bring people round it with music playing and there could even be an interactive session with the brand.

Providing some specific advantages of his mobile LED boards, he said, “Our mobile LED comes in two versions; one side is LED screen, the other side is a scroller, that means, if one of the side is showing digital screen, the other side is a back lit LED Scroller, which could display more than ten messages of what the brand is about or can do.

“Then, the other one, both sides are LED screen. Another advantage of ours is that it has streamer on top of the screen. So aside the screen displaying video, it can be giving you messages about a product.

“The screens are also internet connected and this means we can be playing the message or video in Lagos, Abuja and PH. Our trucks could be used for concert, it is just a plug and play. If there is a concert, you just drive in there.”

The Advertange boss said that he hopes to use the new trucks to introduce the culture of outdoor cinema. “Now, everybody has to go to Silverbird Cinema and other enclosed cinemas in the country. So we are looking for brands, which could say give me six of these LED trucks to show live matches or films to a selected audience.”

According to him, to get an LED static site for instance in Ikeja will cost about N80 million.

“So instead of spending N80 million on a static location, you can spend that N80m on mobile LED board and get to the nook and crannies of Lagos. So it should not be about traffic coming to Third Mainland Bridge alone, people in Aspanda, Ojo, Lekki, Ogba could at varied time see the billboard. For instance you can park the LED truck in Festac for three days, then relocate it.”

Adelegan maintained that the industry is evolving, clients want something new and the competition is getting fiercer because there are minimal resources.

“So you must now strategize. If this is the new trend in the industry, I do not want my brand to look inferior, I also want to be there, but you must use your senses to decide how to get the best from what you are paying for.

“Rather than spend almost hundred million for a location, why not spend same for a mobile LED board that will move round Lagos.”

