Sunday, 1st December 2024

Experts urge tech tal­ents to solve Africa’s prob­lems

By Moy­osore Salami
23 June 2024   |   5:44 am
Stakeholders in the tech­no­logy sec­tor have said unity and col­lab­or­a­tion can help accel­er­ate eco­nomic growth, improve liv­ing

Stakeholders in the tech­no­logy sec­tor have said unity and col­lab­or­a­tion can help accel­er­ate eco­nomic growth, improve liv­ing stand­ards, and increase innov­a­tion on the con­tin­ent. Speak­ing dur­ing a ses­sion hos­ted by Teknexus Africa in its Tech Sum­mit, the Founder, Glory Olamigoke, urged African tech tal­ents to rise and develop ways to solve Africa’s biggest prob­lems through tech.

He fur­ther emphas­ised that the power of more col­lab­or­a­tion among tech tal­ents is an import­ant key to devel­op­ing crit­ical solu­tions, and unity among African coun­tries, as a found­a­tion that will pro­pel the rapid devel­op­ment of our tech eco­nomy.

Part­ner­ship Lead at Tech­build Africa, Emmanuel Amogu, said col­lab­or­a­tion among African coun­tries was essen­tial in lever­aging each other’s strengths and expert­ise to over­come com­mon chal­lenges.

Not­ing that for Afric­ans to become solu­tion pro­viders, they must under­stand the needs of the people, build on exist­ing infra­struc­ture and cre­ate solu­tions that are rel­ev­ant and impact­ful.

The Key­note Speaker / Founder, Heels­andtech, Bisola Alabi, said the con­tin­ent’s future lead­ers must seize every oppor­tun­ity to develop their skills and abil­it­ies so that they could meet the innov­a­tion chal­lenges required for African devel­op­ment.

Alabi emphas­ised that the cur­rent land­scape had changed, and “it is time for African tech pro­fes­sion­als to take a bold step for­ward.”

She stressed that Afric­ans have a unique per­spect­ive and under­stand­ing of the chal­lenges facing the con­tin­ent, and it is time to use this insight to cre­ate innov­at­ive solu­tions through skill devel­op­ment “We don’t have people advoc­at­ing for us in Africa, we need to take charge of our own des­tiny and pos­i­tion ourselves as lead­ers in the tech industry. We need to stop wait­ing for oth­ers to recog­nise our poten­tial and start recog­nisng it ourselves.”

However, Africa is rap­idly becom­ing a hub for tech innov­a­tion. With coun­tries like Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa already mak­ing sig­ni­fic­ant strides in the industry, there is no doubt that African tech tal­ent has the poten­tial to make a sig­ni­fic­ant impact glob­ally.