Sunday, 29th September 2024

Election Campaign Promises Too Many

By Steve Orajiaku
27 December 2015   |   4:35 am
BOTH at the national and state government levels, Nigerians seems to have developed thick skin or have grown incorrigibly cynical over the promises which our politicians are easily inclined to make, especially prior to any general elections, all in their bid to canvass the votes of the electorate. The benefit of hindsight ought to have…


BOTH at the national and state government levels, Nigerians seems to have developed thick skin or have grown incorrigibly cynical over the promises which our politicians are easily inclined to make, especially prior to any general elections, all in their bid to canvass the votes of the electorate. The benefit of hindsight ought to have compelled an intelligent and objective politician to jettison the deceptive tradition of doling out empty promises during their electioneering campaign rallies and embark on convincing the people on what his blueprints are, the manifesto of his party and the vision for the development of projects impacting positively on the lives of the citizens.

Promises are made to be kept. The infallible scripture even said, that “hope defereth makes the heart sick”, therefore it is better not to issue out a promise (except for the sole purpose of making good what is promised). Worse still, most of such promises (and this is their usual trademark) always sound too good to believe. This unwholesome practice cuts across all parties and individual

We were told insurgency and terrorism will be subdued in three weeks of being sworn in Nigeria. But the dreadful beasts are still out on rampage killing and maiming the innocent and hapless citizens of this great nation. There may be a sprinkling of places were attempts are being made to satisfy what was promised during electioneering campaign by few honest politicians, but we hardly get to hear about those. Usually Presidential debates forum provides for both the
participants and the electorates the atmosphere and the rare opportunity to exhibit that cutting edge one candidate can boast of over another. It is always the appropriate time to put paid to the opponent and win even the hearts and votes of the same opponents previous followers. All these were denied Nigerians in the last general election. Let it not happen again.

In Anambra State, Onitcha-Okigwe road, which cut across several towns and communities including Oba, Orafite, Nnewi, Amichi, Unubi, Ekwulumiri, Uga, etc, was first constructed in 1980 by the then government of President Shehu Shagari. From time to time since then, and by mere altruistic effort of either the state or local government and or other N.G.Os the road has been maintained to the point that in order to avoid being accused of being insatiable, remained short of a deplorable condition.

The mono-dualised road was said to have been listed among the roads in the Eastern states duly awarded and funded by the previous government. However, the lamentation of the inhabitant of the aforementioned towns and villages will know no ends following the breaking of the formerly good part of this stretch of road which was said to have been mobilised by the campaign group of a Senator.

At one of the campaign rallies in Amichi town prior last election, the Senator had promised his mammoth crowd that if voted for continuity, he will ensure the Federal Government rehabilitate the Onitcha-Okigwe road. To make good the promise and to the utter amazement of the people in the area heavy road construction company equipment and machines gradually began to litter sideways of the road.

As if that was too little, the excavating of the old and expired asphalt instantly commenced. Just before one could realise it, the entire stretch of the road from Igwe Orizu axis in Nnewi to the end of the road in Uga Town lay bare and destroyed. What remained of the road disappeared. Anambra State is one of the Eastern states prone to erosion. An insignificant yet insidious early signs of the terrible erosion is already visible somewhere in Amichi new market portion of the road. Now tell me how can one explain this kind of mischievousness. Transportation fare along this road has since skyrocketed.

It is daily becoming a safe haven for the criminally minded especially kidnappers. Yet someone, the architect of this gory sight, somewhere is sleeping soundly. Perhaps preparing excuses and defences, against upcoming election period.

The Honourable Minister of Works Babatunde Fashola should please look into this with the readiness and intention of including, among others, the rehabilitation of the road and history will remember him.

• Steve Obum Orajiaku, an indigene of
Anambra State, is resident in Lagos State.