Best Foods To Soothe A Hangover

Honey CREDIT: Jessica Gavin

Are you bound to have a hangover this weekend and most weekends from partying hard?

Well, a typical hangover will mean all and more of the following symptoms: thirst, headaches, being sensitive to light and sounds, sweating ,weakness, anxiety muscle aches and also increased blood pressure.

These symptoms are as a result of specific hormones and the body’s way of responding to being hung over.

What do you do when you wake up feeling like you are carrying the world on your head?

Thankfully, there are some foods and drinks that can ease off the hung over feeling.


The function of alcohol in the body stops the hormones that hold on to water in the in body leading to loss of electrolytes (potassium and sodium). That is why drinking leaves the body fatigued and dehydrated.

Bananas step in to replenish some of those lost nutrients in the body. Being naturally rich in potassium, Banana is believed to contain twelve percent of the required intake of potassium. Once your potassium level is boosted, the gradual process of a functioning muscle kicks in.


Drinking alcohol means that glutathione an antioxidant in the body is lost. This antioxidant is supposed to fights the toxins that alcohols will send into the body but it is being drowned by alcohol.

This protein rich food is also high in cysteine an amino acid assists in the production of antioxidant glutathione to rejuvenate the body and speed up energy level.


High in fructose, honey comes in to save the hangover feel. With the high dose of fructose found in honey, it acts as a cleanser, flushing out the alcohol in the body when ingested. However, honey can be complimented with biscuits or some other suitable meal.


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