we all know the problem, and the problem are easily fixed. the minister complained that oil companies prefer to export the gas rather than sell to power plants. america has a ban on gas export and even some amount of oil. brazil has the same, domestic needs have to be met before any export is allowed. why can’t nigeria have that for it gas. pipeline vandals. if the vandals know where the gas pipes are, why arent security forces posted there 24/7. why can’t the gas pipeline be treated as a national security issue, which means max protection for it. what alternative has the power plant develop for gas supply. again in american they transport their gas and oil via three means, hidden pipelines, large trucks and train. there is also the requirement that every generating plant have the ability to store their fuel and secure it for at least 3 months. each power plants are required to produce electricity from various sources. they have nuclear, renewable, coal and gas. what are nigeria plants required to do