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Principles of management and prevention of obesity

By Paul Joseph Nanna
25 May 2017   |   4:00 am
Having understood that obesity is a symptom of an underlying disease known as acid, our focus shall be on reduction of the production of acid in the body...

PHOTO: AFP /getty images

Having understood that obesity is a symptom of an underlying disease known as acid, our focus shall be on reduction of the production of acid in the body, neutralizing and eliminating the acid that may have been produced and stored in the fat cells. As

Step 1 Rehydration
The only way to deal with dehydration is to rehydrate. You rehydrate by drinking water, period. It is recommended that alkaline water should be the preferred water because the disease, being primarily acid can only be neutralized fast with alkaline water. The water is alkaline because it contains more electrons (negative charge), which will balance the protons (positive charge) that have accumulated in your body. Acids are usually stored away in the fat cells, which hold them as protection against destruction of the tissues and organs. When the acid is neutralised, the far cells will gradually melt away. Without acid the body has no need of the fat deposits, so they will of their own disappear. Not only that, the body performs better in an alkaline environment, which is brought about by the electrons in the alkaline water.

The body is likened to an alkaline battery that has both positive and negative terminals. To have electrical energy to perform work there must be an excess of electrons in the battery, which are the carriers of energy. So also is the human body. The fatigue that is so easily encountered in obesity is because of the acidity (excess of protons) in the body. The goal of this programme will therefore be to neutralize the protons and have more electrons in the body. One of the changes that people who are undergoing this weight loss programme experience is increase in strength and this comes about as the pH balance begins to tilt toward the alkaline. Furthermore, with better hydration, circulation improves leading to better elimination of wastes, which should reduce the amount of acid some more. Your body needs an amount of water on a daily basis and you must know what that amount is and be ready to supply it. Practitioners agree that eight glasses of water daily for an individual should do. However, for someone who is obese, this number should be increased to 10 (12).

Step 2 – Diet
You are what you eat and drink! This is the reason why you have so much excess weight and have become obese. In the management and prevention of obesity, the idea is for you to change your diet to one that would supply enough energy for your daily requirements and not excessive to warrant storage as fat. Your diet will now be built around raw, whole, unprocessed and natural foods.

The mainstay of your diet will be green vegetables and healthy fats. Green vegetables are mainly alkaline forming and will also play a part in neutralizing the acidity in the body. The dietary change should be gradual and while you are doing so, there are certain types of food that should be eliminated, white flour products, white sugar and its products and white rice. Others are red meat, dairy products, mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) seasonings, caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee, carbonated drinks, processed drinks and preserved foods. Tobacco and alcohol beverages should be avoided. You will have to eat a lot of raw food such as fresh low-sugar fruits, whole grain wheat and oats for cereals and wheat bread for breakfast. For lunch you can do with some cooked food but you should never over-cook your vegetables.

My advice is to introduce your vegetables just before the pot of soup is due to be removed from the fire. In place of white rice you can have Ofada, Abakaliki or any other locally grown rice. Honey or stevia are good replacements for sugar and wheat bread for white bread. Your dinner should be mainly vegetables dressed with olive oil or flaxseed oil. There is also a product known as Udo’s Oil that is highly recommended. Stop the consumption of animal fat and change to those oils listed above. They contain the Essential Fatty Acids.

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