Friday, 19th April 2024

Why Shane Currey advises you to surround yourself with like-minded people

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said, “Tell me with whom you associate, and I will tell you who you are.” In other words, the company you keep reflects on you as an individual.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said, “Tell me with whom you associate, and I will tell you who you are.” In other words, the company you keep reflects on you as an individual. Yet more than that, if you surround yourself with like-minded people, it will elevate and engage you both personally and professionally. As a financial expert for over two decades, Shane Currey prides himself on finding the right investors for the right projects and knows the importance of building a team consisting of the right people.

“As harsh as it may sound if you’re a winner and you surround yourself with losers, they’ll drag you down to their level,” explains Currey. He adds, “The bottom line is, a positive and dynamic individual needs to be surrounded by people with similar traits because if you surround yourself with negative and apathetic people, that will rub off and have an extremely toxic influence on your life and career.”

As someone who has dedicated himself to finding excellent value for himself and for his investors by hunting high and low for start-ups who have a certain X-factor and the potential to go huge, Currey has an instinctive eye for the real deal and the attributes that make a person successful.

Currey explains, “Some people have a certain get-up-and-go that gets things done. Their energy is infectious; they are truly motivational and have the habit of lighting up and energizing a room as soon as they walk in. These are the sort of people you need to surround yourself with. They will bring out the best in you, and if you’re on the same wavelength, you’ll bring out the best in them too.”

Shane Currey adds, “Great minds think alike. I’d add that more than just thinking alike, they work together to achieve great things. Two pairs of hands are much better than one, and together we can move mountains. You just need to seek out others who radiate positivity and form a dream team.”